Duckling with leg problems


May 18, 2015

We have a day old duckling (12) & her legs are very deformed. I can't see being able to splint them as the range of motion isn't good at all. What do I do next aside from vitamins?
You may want to set up some kind of sling so that the legs might have a chance to stretch out a little with no weight on them. You may also want to start looking into 3D printed prosthetics. Look up Buttercup the duck.
Thank you!

I don't think that would be in the budget honestly... It looks like she is missing the entire leg and just has a foot. It doesn't touch the ground so no sling will stay. The other leg seems almost fused and I can't move it around to splint..
She may be a special needs duck - many of them lead happy lives with people who make little adjustments for them. She may even have a future as an ambassaduck for educational programs.
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Do you think she will just adapt as we go? I just worry about future infections and such from dragging
You may want to wrap her legs in vet wrap (not too tight) to make a kind of sock - or get someone who makes duck booties (yup - I have some) to make them custom fit for her. Duckyfromoz has had some special needs ducks, and I know there are others.
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