Ducklings afraid of life!!!

HELP!! I have 8 mallard ducklings. They’re around 6 weeks old and I can't get them to warm up to me at all. I’ve had them since they were day olds. I don't know what to do. They panic in terror at the sight of me when I try to give them food and water. They lived in the house for 2 weeks. Now they are outside in a coop we built. I tried feeding them meal worms and letting them swim in a kiddie pool and all they did was panic and make I huge wet mess. I would take them out of the pool and put them all in the tote with a heat lamp to dry (I use it to carry them back and forth). When I carry them around they panic and scream so loud as if I’m abusing them. They are now getting to the age when I let them free range during the day and lock them up at night. When I let them out to “have fun” swimming in the pond and free ranging like ducks are supposed to, they are scared of water. They hide in the woods huddle up and scream. It is nearly impossible to lock them back up because they are terrified of my shadow. I will never be able to let them out at of the coop all until things change. I have done everything I can think of. I get so stressed because I do some much for them and I love them so much and I feel like they hate me. It’s heartbreaking that they’re so scared of the one person that’s working and keeping them alive. Any ideas on what to do or am I just stuck with ducks that are terrified of me? It upsets me so much that I’m almost to the point where just I want to release them with my older ducks in hopes that a female will adopt them and teach them the ways and how to be ducks. I raise ducks every spring and something’s just strange about these ducks. I'll take any advice I can get. I'm feeling hopeless right now. Its hard taking care of something and loving something that’s completely terrified of your shadow. Thanks.
I agree with Ruthhope, I wouldnt be free ranging them yet.
When you started them in water, was the water warm until they were feathered?

How much time do you actually spend around them? Not just popping in to feed and water, but do you sit near them, during the day, just be around them.
They are prey animals, and they are very easily spooked by new things, or by people they dont spend much time with. It takes a lot of time, and patience to earn their trust.
Don't take it personally, it is hard I know, but they don't hate you- and it's possible to earn their trust, they're just afraid
I agree with Ruthhope, I wouldnt be free ranging them yet.
When you started them in water, was the water warm until they were feathered?

How much time do you actually spend around them? Not just popping in to feed and water, but do you sit near them, during the day, just be around them.
They are prey animals, and they are very easily spooked by new things, or by people they dont spend much time with. It takes a lot of time, and patience to earn their trust.
Don't take it personally, it is hard I know, but they don't hate you- and it's possible to earn their trust, they're just afraid
Yes I made sure their swimming water wasn’t cold. When sit with them they trample each other and try to pile against the wall away from me. I’ve always heard that the earlier you can get them outside the better. (At least for free ranging birds)
My ducks are very flighty, not quite as bad as yours, but they also have panic attacks if I try to catch them, or start walking in their direction.
They do better now, and will walk up to me when I have food etc.
I third the talking, that can help. I also think that sitting outside their pen in a chair or something else, not facing them or even looking at them. Just sitting a distance away so they can see you. Do this everyday if possible, or one 5-10 minutes helps a lot. Soon you should be able to get closer, and closer, and at the very least they wont freak out when they are near you.
I also think that that age makes them ore nervous, so its probably making matters worse. Hopefully they calm down soon.
HELP!! I have 8 mallard ducklings. They’re around 6 weeks old and I can't get them to warm up to me at all. I’ve had them since they were day olds. I don't know what to do. They panic in terror at the sight of me when I try to give them food and water. They lived in the house for 2 weeks. Now they are outside in a coop we built. I tried feeding them meal worms and letting them swim in a kiddie pool and all they did was panic and make I huge wet mess. I would take them out of the pool and put them all in the tote with a heat lamp to dry (I use it to carry them back and forth). When I carry them around they panic and scream so loud as if I’m abusing them. They are now getting to the age when I let them free range during the day and lock them up at night. When I let them out to “have fun” swimming in the pond and free ranging like ducks are supposed to, they are scared of water. They hide in the woods huddle up and scream. It is nearly impossible to lock them back up because they are terrified of my shadow. I will never be able to let them out at of the coop all until things change. I have done everything I can think of. I get so stressed because I do some much for them and I love them so much and I feel like they hate me. It’s heartbreaking that they’re so scared of the one person that’s working and keeping them alive. Any ideas on what to do or am I just stuck with ducks that are terrified of me? It upsets me so much that I’m almost to the point where just I want to release them with my older ducks in hopes that a female will adopt them and teach them the ways and how to be ducks. I raise ducks every spring and something’s just strange about these ducks. I'll take any advice I can get. I'm feeling hopeless right now. Its hard taking care of something and loving something that’s completely terrified of your shadow. Thanks.
My mallards were like that too. They were always scared of me as ducklings and as adults they aren’t scared but don’t let me get very close. They will eat out of my hand every now and then though. I wondered if maybe since they’re mallards, they’re just more wild than other domestic ducks and that’s why they are so scared. I would just go sit with them and talk to them as much as possible. Maybe even hold them if you think they’re getting more comfortable. My mallards seemed to warm up to me more as they got older. I think because I sit with them all the time. I figure since they’re so close to wild mallards, they just naturally have more of those wild instincts compared to breeds like pekins
My ducks are very flighty, not quite as bad as yours, but they also have panic attacks if I try to catch them, or start walking in their direction.
They do better now, and will walk up to me when I have food etc.
I third the talking, that can help. I also think that sitting outside their pen in a chair or something else, not facing them or even looking at them. Just sitting a distance away so they can see you. Do this everyday if possible, or one 5-10 minutes helps a lot. Soon you should be able to get closer, and closer, and at the very least they wont freak out when they are near you.
I also think that that age makes them ore nervous, so its probably making matters worse. Hopefully they calm down soon.
I will be sure to try sitting with them every day.
Yes I made sure their swimming water wasn’t cold. When sit with them they trample each other and try to pile against the wall away from me. I’ve always heard that the earlier you can get them outside the better. (At least for free ranging birds)
how long do you spend with them before leaving? They need a lot of time, just sit close to them, and wait long enough that they start to relax. Keep movements minimal, perhaps read a book or something. Toss them the occassional treat when they start to relax-
The key to earning their trust is becoming familiar to them, and that will take time, and a good routine
HELP!! I have 8 mallard ducklings. They’re around 6 weeks old and I can't get them to warm up to me at all. I’ve had them since they were day olds. I don't know what to do. They panic in terror at the sight of me when I try to give them food and water. They lived in the house for 2 weeks. Now they are outside in a coop we built. I tried feeding them meal worms and letting them swim in a kiddie pool and all they did was panic and make I huge wet mess. I would take them out of the pool and put them all in the tote with a heat lamp to dry (I use it to carry them back and forth). When I carry them around they panic and scream so loud as if I’m abusing them. They are now getting to the age when I let them free range during the day and lock them up at night. When I let them out to “have fun” swimming in the pond and free ranging like ducks are supposed to, they are scared of water. They hide in the woods huddle up and scream. It is nearly impossible to lock them back up because they are terrified of my shadow. I will never be able to let them out at of the coop all until things change. I have done everything I can think of. I get so stressed because I do some much for them and I love them so much and I feel like they hate me. It’s heartbreaking that they’re so scared of the one person that’s working and keeping them alive. Any ideas on what to do or am I just stuck with ducks that are terrified of me? It upsets me so much that I’m almost to the point where just I want to release them with my older ducks in hopes that a female will adopt them and teach them the ways and how to be ducks. I raise ducks every spring and something’s just strange about these ducks. I'll take any advice I can get. I'm feeling hopeless right now. Its hard taking care of something and loving something that’s completely terrified of your shadow. Thanks.
I do hope everything turns out okay for you and the duckers. I feel your heartache and frustration. I wish I had an answer to fix this but I don't. I do want to remind you that animals, just like people can sense our energy if we are on edge, tense, gloomy they will sense it and react how they feel is appropriate, being calm and grounded is, in my opinion, should be the 1st step. Find some relaxing music or meditation ambiance and a quiet spot and just let it go (out through your feet) when you feel that, lightness/calm feeling (my definition) and you are able to project that outward, my opinion again, I believe you'll see some change. May be just a little less panic or whatnot and it won't be immediate but it will be something. Again I hope that things turn out better Hugs n Luvs to you and your duckers. Please keep us updated.
My mallards were like that too. They were always scared of me as ducklings and as adults they aren’t scared but don’t let me get very close. They will eat out of my hand every now and then though. I wondered if maybe since they’re mallards, they’re just more wild than other domestic ducks and that’s why they are so scared. I would just go sit with them and talk to them as much as possible. Maybe even hold them if you think they’re getting more comfortable. My mallards seemed to warm up to me more as they got older. I think because I sit with them all the time. I figure since they’re so close to wild mallards, they just naturally have more of those wild instincts compared to breeds like pekins
I do think this plays in some because I have a bunch of different varieties of ducks. My Snowy Mallards and East Indies Ducks are much more skittish and wild than my Indian Runners, Pekins, Call Ducks, and Cayugas.

I still wouldn't give up. Taking them inside and outside in the tote is one thing we did and still do because their night coop is a pen in the barn and their day coop os a movable pen outside. My Runners are tame enough that they ride in the tote in a big garden wagon with the top off. But if I did that with the Snowy Mallards and East Indies Ducks they'd be gone and I'd never catch them!
Out of all of my ducks my mallards are the least friendly. They will come near me but if I tried to catch them they would yell their heads off. I do have a half wild mallard half Rouen and he is not like the rest of them. The Rouen in him has tamed him more. I know I am late seeing this and I hope that yours tamed down for you. Mine lived in the house for 6 weeks before going outside and still acted like I was Godzilla. lol I picked them up daily, sang to them, loved on them but none of that helped. I think it was my singing, lol.

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