Ducklings Attacking Ducks


7 Years
Apr 12, 2017
Atlanta, GA
My Coop
My Coop
So I hatched 9 ducklings a month or so ago. Today for the first time I let them free-range... before this they were in the dog kennel separated from my older ducks.

They are going through a phase where they are deathly scared of me. When they were small and lived inside they would let me touch them and pick them up now they wont even eat from my hand. I am guessing they will come around once they get a little older. They are a almost 6 weeks old.

So they made their way to the big pool I bought for my older ducks (who are more than a year old). The ducks were hanging around there and the ducklings chased them away! I brought out a bag of peas and was feeding my ducks (who are super friendly and will walk all over my feet) and I threw some to where the ducklings were. The ducks went to get some and the ducklings chased them away! Not just one but several of my ducklings are exhibiting this behavior.

Now the ducks are clearing out when they see the ducklings coming. The ducklings are strutting around like they own the place.

I've heard of ducks attacking ducklings, but the other way around? Is this going to be very problematic? Any one else have experience like this? My poor ducks are confused and scared. Funny thing is these ducklings are their own children! :D
It's hilarious how adult ducks are so scared of ducklings even their own. lol[of course they don't know they are their own]
Once your adults get use to the younger ones they will put them in their place.

Happy to hear that. The way the ducks are acting right now it looks like the ducklings are going to rule the place!

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