Ducklings Nibbling/Eating rubber shelf liner


Jul 7, 2022
Hi all, I have 5 Rouen ducklings, 11 days old. They are all active and eating/drinking normally, but as you know they nibble everything. I saw one today nibbling at the rubber shelf liner and I think it’s getting off tiny pieces.

I’m going to remove that one type of liner bc I have others that have bigger rubber “bumps” they can’t pull off, but are they going to be ok? Thanks!
What is under the rubber shelf liner?
The floor of your brooder made with or made of?
Ditch the nasty newspaper ASAP.

Do you have a coop built/ready to go?
I cleaned the brooder twice today, last time was maybe 230, so the newspaper is not bad yet. Yes they have a coop in the back of our barn and a pen that’s about 400sq feet, but need to wait for them to feather out and then plan to transition them outside when they’re old enough.
I cleaned the brooder twice today, last time was maybe 230, so the newspaper is not bad yet. Yes they have a coop in the back of our barn and a pen that’s about 400sq feet, but need to wait for them to feather out and then plan to transition them outside when they’re old enough.
11 days old is most likely old enough this time of year.

The reason I say to remove the newspaper immediately is because the newspaper getting wet or damp can become extremely slippery and it will cause your ducklings to have messed up legs.
11 days old is most likely old enough this time of year.

The reason I say to remove the newspaper immediately is because the newspaper getting wet or damp can become extremely slippery and it will cause your ducklings to have messed up legs.
Yeah they’re not walking on the newspaper at all, it’s under rubber shelf liner so all their walking is done on the rubber shelf liner or towels I put in, changing the towels out regularly
Welcome to byc
I have 9 day olds right now
I have mine on pine shavings
I start with puppy pads but once they start to chew stuff it’s time to switch
I take mine outside for a few hours a day if it’s warm. I make sure they have a bigger water dish they can climb in not cold water just room temp to play in and cool off if needed and cover for shade if needed. But at night mine still use the heat plate inside the brooder

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