Ducklings not hatching


In the Brooder
5 Years
Dec 21, 2014
Hi I'm new to the group and new to ducks... Iv got a problem that my duck eggs are not hatching, they haven't even piped yet and we are on day 31 in the incubator. I did have one that piped but died during hatching this morning.. My temperature is 37.5 as instructed by the manual and humidity I got up to 66% by adding a nice cube tray but there was also sponges in there previously
Could anyone advise me on what to do please
Thank you. Iv not candled them since they went into lockdown they came of rotation on day 25 but they were all moving fine then.. Iv read not to open when in lockdown but I did open today quickly to remove the dead one
How long has the humidity been that high?

What breed of duck are you hatching?

What kind of incubator are you using?
It's an hhd egg incubator and humidity was at 45 until it went into lockdown on day 25 then was going between 56-60 until this morning but I was told on another forum this morning to get it up higher closer to 70-75 I can only get it to 65% now. It's khaki Campbell's that's in it
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It's an hhd egg incubator and humidity was at 45 until it went into lockdown on day 25 then was going between 56-60 until this morning but I was told on another forum this morning to get it up higher closer to 70-75 I can only get it to 65% now. It's khaki Campbell's that's in it

NO, keep it at 60 to 65, do you have an AIr bator or still?
OK, you have a serious problem, your babies only take 28 days and you said your on day 31, you need to make SAFE HOLES for all of them NOW, if they are still alive. They are dying because they are running out of air.

Re check your gages, get a another gage to verfy that they are reading the exact samething or at least close to reading the samething....
Hi it's an air bator and humidity is at 62%.. They were on a turner but are laying down.. Iv noticed there is an egg piping today, should I help?
Hi it's an air bator and humidity is at 62%.. They were on a turner but are laying down.. Iv noticed there is an egg piping today, should I help?

Ducks do not do well on a turner, regardless if you lay them down during lockdown. If you are going to put them on the turner then you need to lay them down as well, On my website, I have a pic on how I lay them down on the turner.

This could be your main issue.

Make them ALL safe holes. do you know how and what that is?

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