Ducklings with droopy wings, is this normal?


5 Years
Apr 7, 2014
We had a duckling hatch two days ago and it is very small and its wings are hanging down in a droopy sort of way. Its gait is also a bit strange. It's been a while since I've had a duckling that is this young, so I am not sure if this is normal. Hopefully I am just being a nervous grandma. Here's a short video to show what I mean:


Paging @Miss Lydia for your always-helpful advice!
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We had a duckling hatch two days ago and it is very small and its wings are hanging down in a droopy sort of way. Its gait is also a bit strange. It's been a while since I've had a duckling that is this young, so I am not sure if this is normal. Hopefully I am just being a nervous grandma. Here's a short video to show what I mean:


Paging @Miss Lydia for your always-helpful advice!
I think that is pretty normal, are you giving mom and baby any form of niacin? brewers yeast is one source. what are you feeding the lil one and mom? Sure is a cutie and mom is pretty too.
I'm feeding them both chick feed (I wasn't sure how else to make sure the duckling ate it other than to feed it to them both) but I have a vitamin supplement that claims to contain niacin in the water. I've been feeding the mama treats (today she had tomatoes and caterpillars) but I don't think she's sharing with her baby!

Actually, now that I think about it, this duckling is probably the bio-offspring of our other duck who as a small duckling had seizures due to what I think was a niacin deficiency when she was a few weeks old. Maybe the niacin deficiency is genetic.
I'm feeding them both chick feed (I wasn't sure how else to make sure the duckling ate it other than to feed it to them both) but I have a vitamin supplement that claims to contain niacin in the water. I've been feeding the mama treats (today she had tomatoes and caterpillars) but I don't think she's sharing with her baby!

Actually, now that I think about it, this duckling is probably the bio-offspring of our other duck who as a small duckling had seizures due to what I think was a niacin deficiency when she was a few weeks old. Maybe the niacin deficiency is genetic.
It may not have a niacin deficiency but it's always a good idea to give them some just in case. I think by a week old it will be walking much better they change almost over night. Your feeding it right and using vitamins. Mom will show it what it needs to eat. It could be genetic but I wouldn't worry at this point and just enjoy. I always feed mom and ducklings same feed just to hard to do other wise and chick feed helps give mom the extra boost to get back strong after brooding for so long.
Couldnt wartch video on slow connection. Make sure there are no antibiotics in the chicken feed. It can cause problems for ducks. Also check the protine content. Too much can cause angle wing if they grow too fast.

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