Ducks and Amoxicillin dosage

How much does your chicken weigh?
hmm... not really sure.. she's a production red adult laying hen, mayby 5 lbs?.. i was able to remove the "corm" last night & cleaned with Vetericyn, put Neosporin on a gauze pad and wrapped it back up.. ill check her when my husband gets home.. so not sure yet how it progressed.. very little seemed to come out after that corm/plug, a small amnt of blood, nothing that looked like the "cottage cheese" description I've read about... ?
The amoxicillin dose my vets have me use is 57 mg per pound of body weight twice a day. If she's in the 4-5 pound range I think you could give 1/2 of the 500 mg capsule twice a day.
The amoxicillin dose my vets have me use is 57 mg per pound of body weight twice a day. If she's in the 4-5 pound range I think you could give 1/2 of the 500 mg capsule twice a day.
okay thanks... thats helpful.. what i have is oral, so i tnink I'll try putting it in her yogurt.. would that be a typical 10-14 day course of meds or is 3-5 days as I've read actually sufficient? I'm seriously confused.. her foot was pretty swollen as a result of the bumblefoot, and while i am happy to have gotten the core out, i saw none of the cottage cheese type stuff.. the solid corm came out, and after a few mins it seemed to show a little blood, but i couldnt say it was "bleeding" or that it drained.. hoping to get a good look tonight when i have help.. if theres more that should release besides the hard piece, it seems like an oral dose of amoxicillin or clindamycin may keep it out of her blood/bone(?) while we wait to see if its on the mend, draining etc..

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