ducks and eggs ???


9 Years
Feb 15, 2010
i have just one teeny tiny question, do ducks lay eggs year round or only in the spring??
One of my 3 runners just started laying today. It was 30 degrees this morning here. I have an extra 4 hours of light on them at the moment as well and while we've had some nights in high teens and 20's and low 30's, they haven't been constant (though we did have quite a cold week recently)
My Muscovie girls stop laying in the fall and pick back up in the spring, I think it's called being on strike...
It depends on the breed.

Humans have bred hybrids and genetically manipulated some breeds to be prolific all year layers, such as khaki campbells and runner ducks, amongst many others, although they take a short break in winter due to light/temp reduction.

Other less "domestic" and therefore nearer to their natural type breeds are more seasonal, such as mallards and muscovies. If they are hatched in 2010 you might have to wait until Spring 2011 (like me) for them to start laying.

You also need the right diet, conditions, etc. to keep them laying (and healthy and happy of course!).

What breed do you have?
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well i got mine last april at Orschlens and i think they are hatchery Pekins and one i think is a crested pekin, he looks like he has a fluff ball on his head. and i have 2 girls and 2 boys

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