Ducks biting


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 14, 2012
I have two ducks who have recently started following and biting my toes im not sure why and now they are starting to bite fingers too and its quite aggressive. anyone have this problem and know how to make them stop?
This is most likely homonal behavior, not curiosity. They are of the age when they are becoming sexually active and without any females, you are becoming the target of their hormones.
You need to put a stop to this behavior now. It will most likely only get worse. I have only had a brief problem with this in the past. I am going by what I remember reading from other posts. Do a search for aggressive drake and look for threads with lots of posts.
When they do this, do not back down, pick them up and hold them.

You can hold them to the ground holding their wings, not hard but forcefully enough that they cannot get away. As someone said crouching over them and hold until they stop struggling. Or when they do this a sharp no and pick them up and continue about your business while holding them walking around etc (if you typically pick them up, this probably won't work). Do not coddle them, they need to see that you are top drake and not to be messed with. You need to do this EVERY time. Stop feeding from your hand, if you do. If you have ever seen them fight try to copy that behavior. Make yourself big, make them get out of your way. Don't kick them but push them aside with your foot. They need to learn to respect you or this will not stop.

Wear closed shoes and long pants until behavior improves. If they do this to others, either instruct them in how to handle it or do not allow visitors. The last thing you need is someone running away from them or acting scared.

Good luck.
Hello everyone! I had two drakes and a hen. After the hen was stolen/killed by a predator, the drakes took to me. I have tried the stern no's... haven't tried picking them up and holding their beaks- but I will! I have discovered an easy fix that bores them. I walk around the farm and pond to do my chores while carrying a walking stick. I've never hit them at all, but they do not come in my bubble. If they move to the left, I hold the stick with my left hand... if they start to come behind me, I carry the stick behind me. Eventually, they get bored and go back to their business or to the pond. Hope this tidbit helps somebody!
When my ducks bit me I would gently grab their bills and hold them closed (yes, they struggled, but I was prepared to hold on), saying "No!"

I didn't mind the curiosity billing which is more like nibbling, because I know they don't have hands to pick anything up to investigate it - all they have are their bills.

Toes are VERY odd things to ducks - of course they're curious!
They are two males and are about 4 months old.

I understand curiosity but its when they started to get "rough" and aggressive . Not sure if its they're way of playing?
Uh oh. I bet you are their "hen" and they have a crush on you. It's even more important to do the "No!" thing with them. My first drake loved me lots too. I broke him of it by actually picking him up to hold his bill. Tuen I would carry him around for a while before letting him get back on the ground. If he forgot -ha!- and nipped me again, I would hold him down and even sit over him, holding his wings tight with my knees.

That worked after 2 or 3 occasions.
Uh oh. I bet you are their "hen" and they have a crush on you. It's even more important to do the "No!" thing with them.
I agree with gryeyes they are young males about to enter sexual maturity and they regard you as their 'girl'. Use her methods and try to adjust their attitudes. Such behavior tends to escalate.
I would hold him down and even sit over him, holding his wings tight with my knees.
That worked after 2 or 3 occasions.
I mean no offense, but isn't that treatment a little rough for a medium sized bird?

I had to Runners that were imprinted on me, a drake and a duck. When they were grown up, they used to attack my feet. I just let it happen and moved my feet a little when they bit my ankles. The behavour wore off after a few weeks.
Oh, I didn't actually sit ON him, just squatted over him and held him there. And my ducks are Cayugas, fairly large ducks. Louie was my only drake at the time and he would nip and hold on, trying to control ME. I changed that dynamic.

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