Ducks chasing cars


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2015
I just noticed every time a car drives by the house my duck , Johnny, starts running after it. My yard is fenced in so he can't go very far. We find it kind of humorous. Does anyone else experience this with their ducks?
He doesn't really case us or follow us . They are still shy around us. But every time a car drives by , it's almost like he has to check it out or go after them. At times our male, johnny, will go after my little dog and try to nip is butt!
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Hmm. Our guinea chases our car and golf cart. Maybe your duck is being territorial?
I was kind of thinking that too since he has gone after the dogs. When June , our female pekin, is around, she nudges Johnny to go after the dogs. She's the boss!
My ducks don’t pay any attention to the cars (or train!) - but if a motorcycle or tractor drive by, they go on Red Alert! They and will even jump out of the pond and run toward the road to see what is going on - but they can't get to it thank goodness. We just think it’s hysterical.
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Maybe your ducks want to commit suicide because if they are actually chasing cars out on the road it won't take them long. Can you not put them inside a fenced area? they really don't know the danger their lives are in when doing this. It's up to us to protect them.
Maybe your ducks want to commit suicide because if they are actually chasing cars out on the road it won't take them long. Can you not put them inside a fenced area? they really don't know the danger their lives are in when doing this. It's up to us to protect them.

Gosh I didn't even think that someone might not have a fence between the ducks and the road - I hope that's not the case. :(

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