Ducks deliberately breaking and eating eggs


Jun 16, 2021
I have 5 ducks, 1 drake 4 hens. All are laying. However every morning 1 Out of 4 eggs is broken and eaten. Seems like every hen has been taking turns for the last two or so weeks. Each eating one egg on different mornings. I’ve tried separating them when I suspected who was breaking it, it kept happening anyways, I tried drilling an egg and filling it with mustard, that didn’t work, they wouldn’t go near the mustard but are still breaking eggs. Are there any other ways to stop them from eating the eggs or is it something I have to keep that way?
They’re eating a layer pellet, and they get tons of greens and crushed egg shells, also free range through the yard which is full of bushes they like to nibble on.
My ducks/chickens will eat a soft shell one are you sure that isn't the motivation.
It may have started with that but they’re not soft now and haven’t been this entire time, I always collect the left over shell and it’s hard. They also leave the whites and only eat the yolk, I also collected an egg a couple days ago that they had been attempting to break before getting interrupted by being let out, it had a bunch of cracked “craters” In it. They are pecking at and breaking solid eggs and eating the yolk every morning
Do you offer extra protein like mealworms or dry dog food. [Good quality]
I'm not sure what is causing them to do this. I've heard of chickens eating eggs I had an EE years ago that did it. But rarely heard of ducks doing it.
Do you offer oyster shell?
Do you offer extra protein like mealworms or dry dog food. [Good quality]
I'm not sure what is causing them to do this. I've heard of chickens eating eggs I had an EE years ago that did it. But rarely heard of ducks doing it.
Do you offer oyster shell?
I can’t get oyster shell where I am and I don’t have a dog so I don’t have dog food. Even my chickens won’t touch a soft egg themselves let alone a hard one, my one chicken actually refused to lay her soft one in the house, she hid it outside instead
1 out of 4 eggs? Sounds like a duck is laying thin or soft shell eggs and when they break the duck is cleaning up the mess. I have seen my ducks doing this. If this is what your ducks are doing they are not true egg eaters. Collect eggs more often and watch to see if one is laying imperfect eggs. This can turn into birds breaking normal eggs and becoming true egg eaters; something very hard to stop. Possibly try putting unbreakable dummy eggs in the nests when you collect the fresh eggs.

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