Ducks eating now. Only lost one duck!!

No marks on her. checked her at 8pm and still alive. chirped a bit. There is no fumes anywhere near my barn. I won't be able to afford any investigations as far as death. On a small disability pension and that doesn't allow anything like that. Only can watch and do what I can for them. If I loose my birds one food source will have to wait till spring when babies are cheaper.
She just passed away
I am in Canada in a very rural area nowhere near a bigger city. The other 4 ducks appear okay today but that was how it looked yesterday. Will update if there is any changes. Thanks
I'm sorry to hear that. I'm in Ontario, so can contact the university of Guelph, i would honestly suggest you contact them, i know your out of province but perhaps they can give you a lead on someone whom can assist you. That much death on a farm is a concern.
I'm sorry to hear that. I'm in Ontario, so can contact the university of Guelph, i would honestly suggest you contact them, i know your out of province but perhaps they can give you a lead on someone whom can assist you. That much death on a farm is a concern.
I agree with GQ, please try and see if you can get help getting a diagnoses. I'm so sorry I know it's so heart breaking, but I just have a gut feeling the chickens brought something in, they are so good at hiding disease. Ducks are just so hardy and very seldom get sick unless kept in deplorable conditions which isn't the case here with you.

Got through today with no signs of further illness in any of my birds. Praying steadily for this to end. They all ate about 4-5 cups today for 4 Muscovy. Its to be very cold tonight for here so they ate a bit extra. Will update new pics of Turbo, He is growing up so fast.
Got through today with no signs of further illness in any of my birds. Praying steadily for this to end. They all ate about 4-5 cups today for 4 Muscovy. Its to be very cold tonight for here so they ate a bit extra. Will update new pics of Turbo, He is growing up so fast.
That's great news!! lets hope it is over now.

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