Ducks eating now. Only lost one duck!!

Checked around closet place to investigate is Halifax. 5 hr round trip. Not doable. I'm keeping everything spotless as you can with ducks and they are seemingly quite healthy. Since the move had the drake eat out of my hand which he has never done. At one time this past summer they were housed next to the 3 turkeys and now are again side by side ( With large glass dividing windows) and seem to like to sit in view of them. These 4 ducks seem to get along best, as they did outside. Usual nit picking. After the girl that died sat on her clutch of eggs she was never accepted into the group again. Always picked on and chased from the food. She was the cutest of all the ducks. It looks like our new hatchling who is 1 month old today, our dear "Turbo", who looks like a drake may need his own separate flock of girls come spring.

I do agree the new Black tailed bantums brought something in. Our bt roo was fine until he was put with them. Anything they used or housing was cleaned. What can we do otherwise.
Checked around closet place to investigate is Halifax. 5 hr round trip. Not doable. I'm keeping everything spotless as you can with ducks and they are seemingly quite healthy. Since the move had the drake eat out of my hand which he has never done. At one time this past summer they were housed next to the 3 turkeys and now are again side by side ( With large glass dividing windows) and seem to like to sit in view of them. These 4 ducks seem to get along best, as they did outside. Usual nit picking. After the girl that died sat on her clutch of eggs she was never accepted into the group again. Always picked on and chased from the food. She was the cutest of all the ducks. It looks like our new hatchling who is 1 month old today, our dear "Turbo", who looks like a drake may need his own separate flock of girls come spring.

I do agree the new Black tailed bantums brought something in. Our bt roo was fine until he was put with them. Anything they used or housing was cleaned. What can we do otherwise.
Hope for the best and keep doing what your doing. Where's the pics of Turbo? you promised remember.
and might be a good idea to get Turbo a couple of his own girls when spring arrives.
The ducks room in the barn. Although an old barn they are kept clean and should be a good area. Each pic is from centre of the room to each end. There is one water bucket and two feed buckets. There is a 4" hole for them to put their heads in to feed and drink. That rubbermaid type bin is for the rabbit cage above not shown. They all grew up together and usually outside the Flemish Giant would hang with them we wanted him to still see his buddies but let them adjust to their new digs.

The ducks room in the barn. Although an old barn they are kept clean and should be a good area. Each pic is from centre of the room to each end. There is one water bucket and two feed buckets. There is a 4" hole for them to put their heads in to feed and drink. That rubbermaid type bin is for the rabbit cage above not shown. They all grew up together and usually outside the Flemish Giant would hang with them we wanted him to still see his buddies but let them adjust to their new digs.

Nice big area to move around in and very pretty ducks on nice days are they able to get outside in some sunshine and fresh air?
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On the wall between the two feeders is a big lift up hatch to an empty stall that has an outside door, that I can open to let in fresh air.
Its been almost 6 full days since Turbo's mom died. So far the remaining 4 are still doing well, eating, drinking and no signs of illness
at all.

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