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Congrats on getting your first duck eggs! @sourland speaks wisely so you can trust what he advises.

There's also the Duck forum where you can find answers to all your duck questions:

Best of luck and thanks for joining us!
Hi and welcome to BYC :frow We're so happy you've decided to join us :ya

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Congrats on getting your first duck eggs! @sourland speaks wisely so you can trust what he advises.

X2 Hatching ducks takes a bit of patience... Read up while you're collecting and feel free to eat a few and check their fertility. @sourland and @007Sean are way more experienced and successful than I am, but I've had my most success when pushing the temp up just a bit (99.8~100) and keep humidity around 35%-45% for the first 25 days and then 65% during lock down. Ducks take their time during hatch. Once they pip they'll rest, sometimes for 24 hours. Then they'll unzip a bit and rest, unzip some more and rest, get the top of the shell off and rest. Then finally when you've bitten all your nails to the quick, they'll push out of the shell and rest again. within a day you'll have really fluffy cute ducklings screaming wildly and running around the hatcher.

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