Ducks or Chickens? Pros/Cons

Well, I must admitt that I havn't read through this whole thread, so I hope that someone else hasn't already mentioned this

I think that a con to ducks is that they lay at night/early morning. That's fine, but in the winter this is when it is the coldest. I think I've had more duck eggs freeze and crack than chicken eggs. BTW, I will never admitt to my family that there is a con to having ducks
I've had a chickens for 3 years now and just hatched 10 ducks in November, that were raised by a Silkie hen. Here is what I've learned so far:

1) Chickens go to bed at dusk and Ducks party all night.
2) Ducklings grow much faster than chicks.
3) Ducklings are much more independent than chicks.
4) When housing ducks and chickens together, sand in the coop is a wonderful thing. Shavings got damp and stinky really fast.
5) All waterers have to be kept outside now.

After the ducklings were larger than their silkie mom, I put her back with the chickens and kept the ducklings in the garage. After a week, I decided to bring her back, to see how they would all react. It was as if she was never gone. Interestingly enough, without mom, the ducks would be up at all hours of the night. With mom, they went to bed at lights out.
If you want eggs, chickens are generally better layers.

I think what you meant to say was, If you want eggs, ducks are generally better layers
If you want eggs, chickens are generally better layers.

I think what you meant to say was, If you want eggs, ducks are generally better layers

It all depends on circumstance and preference, really. They're just different. It's kind of like asking people for the pros and cons of cats vs dogs... They are both fuzzy and cute, and both make great pets, but they're totally different animals with different needs and suited to different circumstances... Plus that fact that some people just prefer one to the other for intangible reasons. So you are bound to get a million different answers...
It all depends on circumstance and preference, really. They're just different. It's kind of like asking people for the pros and cons of cats vs dogs... They are both fuzzy and cute, and both make great pets, but they're totally different animals with different needs and suited to different circumstances... Plus that fact that some people just prefer one to the other for intangible reasons. So you are bound to get a million different answers...

Brilliant analogy!!! Why didn't I think of that?
i still say get a few of each, and get multiple breeds. i like my black astralorp better than my cayugas but my cayugas better than my other chickens, however my runners are the most fun to watch followed by my easter eggers. get about 4 chicks of varied breeds you've researched followed by 4 ducklings of varied breeds. whatever you dont like you can rehome and get more of your favorites.

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