Ducks vs. Chickens. Which do you prefer?

Ducks vs. Chickens. Which do you prefer?

  • Ducks

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Chickens

    Votes: 9 69.2%

  • Total voters


Aug 12, 2021
Which type of poultry do you prefer when it comes to the following traits?

1. Foraging abiltiy
2. Health (which is the most disease resistant?)
3. Egg/meat
4. Feed costs (which is most economical?)
In my experience chickens are better foragers and eat less food relative to their size, plus I much prefer their eggs and meat, personally. Ducks do seem to be more disease resistant overall, but that hardly makes up for the extra work they take in comparison to chickens, at least in my opinion. Having owned both species, I'm just not a fan of ducks overall. They're cute and all, but they just love to make a wet, muddy mess of everything and it's a pain having to clean their pool out regularly, whereas the chickens are so simple and easy to clean up after.
In my experience chickens are better foragers and eat less food relative to their size, plus I much prefer their eggs and meat, personally. Ducks do seem to be more disease resistant overall, but that hardly makes up for the extra work they take in comparison to chickens, at least in my opinion. Having owned both species, I'm just not a fan of ducks overall. They're cute and all, but they just love to make a wet, muddy mess of everything and it's a pain having to clean their pool out regularly, whereas the chickens are so simple and easy to clean up after.
Thank you!
1. Really depends on the bird. My ducks will toddle around and eat bugs but won't forage as far as some of my chickens. Some of my other chickens don't go further than 100 yards from the coop. I've read that runner ducks are great at foraging.

2. I would say ducks.

3. I don't eat much meat, but I would pick chicken over duck. That may be because I don't have much experience cooking it. It is also way easier to butcher and clean chickens. Ducks are a real pain. I love duck eggs for eating and in baking/cooking. Except for scrambled eggs; duck eggs are kind of rubbery when scrabbled. However, my ducks tend to stop laying in August and don't pick back up until April. I've gotten some new breeds this year so they may be better. The chickens lay much longer and many times the new layers lay all through winter.

4. Bantam chickens eat the least but give the smallest eggs. Ducks will eat more.

I will add that I only really keep chickens for fertilizer and bug control. Plus the fun of watching them. I give away almost all their eggs. I absolutely love my ducks. I'd keep them even without eggs. They are very messy if you let them have water they can play in in the coop, but if you can come up with a good system, they aren't much work. Ducklings will be more work than chicks, but it's not for that long till you can have them and their swimming water outside.
Which type of poultry do you prefer when it comes to the following traits?

1. Foraging abiltiy
2. Health (which is the most disease resistant?)
3. Egg/meat
4. Feed costs (which is most economical?)
1- Muscovy ducks
2- Muscovy ducks
3- Ducks
4- Depends on the season

I barely had to feed any commercial feed and/or grains since last Spring, the ducks (both Muscovy and Mallard derived) foraged for everything they needed. the ducklings grew up big and strong. The chickens didn't get to start free-ranging until the end of Summer though (first year with them), and I've found they need more supplemental feeding.

Winter will probably be a different story, as there won't be any foraging to be had. I expect my ducks to be heavier eaters, but then again most of my chickens are bantam breeds.

Yes, ducks are messier, but I prefer their personalities, especially the Muscovy. There's a reason I hoard them! :D
1. Foraging abiltiy. I think that depends on breed. I have some chickens that are very good at foraging and some that aren't. The ducks I had over the years all were mediocre.

2. Health (which is the most disease resistant?) Ducks. Definitely ducks.

3. Egg/meat. That depends on what one is making with the eggs. Duck eggs are better for baking than chicken eggs. I cannot recall ever eating duck so for meat it's chicken for me....and it seems more economical to raise chickens as well as versatility in how the meat can be prepared.
As for egg production chickens produce far more eggs as most duck breeds are seasonal layers.

4. Feed costs (which is most economical?) Definitely chickens. Ducks eat a lot more and waste almost as much as they eat in my experience.

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