Ducks with water


Feb 27, 2022
East Tennessee
I have 4 ducks, they all play in the water but the 3 of them like to an antagonize one of ducks. They will jump on him and push his head under the water and they all three will get on top of him and trample him. I just now finished the duck living space for the summer for them and i have put there pool inside for them but im worried to leave them alone and come home to my duck being drowned. is this normal behavior? should i be worried? It would be different if they all did it to each other but its just to him.


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It sounds like they are attempting to breed with the one. Are you absolutely positive that it is a "him" and not a female.... penned with 3 males? I'm not sure which one is getting "bullied" but I can tell you with certainty that your white Pekin, on the outside of the pool in your picture, is definitely a male.
It sounds like they are attempting to breed with the one. Are you absolutely positive that it is a "him" and not a female.... penned with 3 males? I'm not sure which one is getting "bullied" but I can tell you with certainty that your white Pekin, on the outside of the pool in your picture, is definitely a male.
how in the world can you tell!! this whole time ive been thinking ive had 3 females and one male, ill show you a better picture of them! and i always assume the brown duck was a male because he has a really deep quack and the other areant as deep but that it all 4 of them together!


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how in the world can you tell!! this whole time ive been thinking ive had 3 females and one male, ill show you a better picture of them! and i always assume the brown duck was a male because he has a really deep quack and the other areant as deep but that it all 4 of them together!
the brown smalk guy is the one getting dunked in the water by all three but mainly the other khaki
It sounds like they are attempting to breed with the one. Are you absolutely positive that it is a "him" and not a female.... penned with 3 males? I'm not sure which one is getting "bullied" but I can tell you with certainty that your white Pekin, on the outside of the pool in your picture, is definitely a male.
also they only do it when there in water

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