

In the Brooder
Jul 31, 2016
Hockley Essex United kingdim
I have 2 muscovy ducks and 5 Runners they have a house but dont sleep in there ~ they are on a pond with lots of room round them with an electric fence ~ however as the weather gets colder ~ they will need shelter ~ would this be suitable for them ? Id add a floor and some roosting bars for the muscovies
What are you wanting to use? If there was supposed to be a pic or a link, nothing is there.

For ducks any four walls with ventilation and a door will work. :)
If you have foxes which seem to be the worst pred in the UK maybe weasels too your taking a big risk leaving your ducks out at night and over winter they will be even more at risk with normal prey hiding out. I'd start training them now to come home by feeding them only at their house you can close them up in safely. If you don't have fencing up around it it can be done pretty inexpensively with plastic fencing and plastic [fiberglass poles ] to hold it up then make a gate.
Just a heads up you may have to force the muscovies to use the house. We have muscovies and when it snows they will stand outside in it like they don't care, with their noses in their feathers but their feet and carnacles are both susceptible to frostbite so we shut them in their enclosure (shed type, 4 walls and ventilation) when the weather gets too bad. It doesn't seem like they know when to go in themselves those. Ours are hand raised not sure if that had anything to do with it but they do live outside (or in enclosure) year round.

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