Ducky DO'S & DON'TS

How appropriate for me to title this thread "Do's & Don't-s".
OMG.. Guess who is getting a crash course on ducky 101?
I have been waiting for Spring to start my Duck adventure and I felt like Spring was already here. SO- I purchased these little angels and thought the heat was here to stay. Meaning, indoor brooding. The last few nights have been brisk. The last 2 nights have been low thirties on the Fahrenheit scale. So the little boogers are indoors at night.

I have discovered that Ducklings are high maintenance while in the brooder stage of development. I have been replacing the tub daily. When they eat, they wash down their food constantly. Also the are infatuated with the water dish period.
I don't have a water nipple drip system implemented so cleaning has been non stop. Water gets spelt and works it's way abroad until the entire tub is soaked and saturated.

So Farmer Connie says this is a serious problem.
Our rule of thumb is- "work smarter not harder".
Here is what I did to rectify this seriously ridiculous situation.
In the bottom of the freshly cleaned out tub (cleaned for the 1000th time:lau) I placed a folded salvage section of hardware cloth mesh. Kind of like a pair of binoculars but not round- but square. The square shaped tubes beneath add support to prevent flexing. Then on top of the wire mesh goes the shavings.
So now when the little fellas spill/splash & turn the brooder tub into a water park, all the water goes downwards and not soaked sideways to be absorbed by the bedding.
It was very refreshing when to see a dry Brooder this morning as I began my chores. Knocking off 20 mins of maintenance of my day, as well as saving money on the shavings as well.
We have another solid week of brisk weather ahead of us. So storing the young dudes indoors is a must. Being indoors along side us in our human habit, had me working double time to keep oder to a minimum. Now I can sit back and smell the roses, not the soggy ducky tub.
I have a short pictorial of their outdoor habitat coming up. Not as extravagant as first thought up in the plans, but I will get there. Baby steps to do it right. Not to mention funding. Chick sales are going to fund most of the project to help it manifest accordingly. And chick sales has only begun. So stay tuned. I have so much to share and add to this thread. Thanks to all whom have contributed and helped me kick start this adventure into the wonderful world of Duckhood!:hugs
Maybe try a cottage cheese or similar container with a lid and a hole cut out only big enough for them to stick their head in.
I know nothing - only what I have seen.
So cute!:love
To be honest, I really did almost take a container lid, just like the one pictured underneath the water dispenser, cut a large hole in the center-the size of the bottle, slip it over/down and a couple smaller holes for their bills to only penetrate. Walking in the rim is contributing to the problem as well. Perhaps later today I will do as such, as an experimental measure. Thank you for your reply.
I gave up on the chicken system since it really didn't give them the access to water ducks like. I ended up using one of my casserole dishes and just accepting that ducks are messy. They really need to be able to dunk their whole head in there to eat properly. They grow so fast you can get them outside pretty soon. I laid absorbent pads under the shavings to keep it ok longer but I just used a dustpan to scoop the mess out pretty much daily and threw more in. During that time I put the ducklings in the tub and let them splash around in a puddle and they were quite happy.
Ya, I found out really fast that they need to be able to dunk their bills. . I made a waterer that wasn't deep enough and met my littles in the morning with runny noses. No nipples please. :old
Awe. I saw at rural king they had a nipple waterer set up for the ducklings. I hope the people who bought them know better.
I don't understand that. :hmm
It only took one night for mine to start blowing booger s. Maybe they give them a dish of water once in a while but not all day. :idunno
I don't know. I was thinking they had just gotten there, so who knows what happened by the next day. I don't have ducks and have never raised ducklings (yet!). But, I have been reading about them and following threads here and I knew they were supposed to have accesible water for their nares. I am sure someone thought that it would help cut down on the mess. I would have said something if I felt confident enough in my research.

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