Ducky DO'S & DON'TS

That is exactly what I feed now. I used the same brand only the meat bird kind until they got grown up. Slightly higher protein and it was crumbles.
They done well on it. But being Pekin I would for sure add niacin.
This was the only brand available at the feed store earlier.
But I feel better getting them off that med crumb.
Thanks for your suggestion.:)
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That *should be* fine, I think @shawluvsbirds used it or similar for her Calls... still get the brewers yeast though soon as you can, just in case...
scaned tag.jpg
Boy they sure do, they are gorgeous

Well you might try the pick up one at a time and walk away from the group that way the one your taking away starts to quack for it's flock mates. Or wait a few more weeks and try then but if close to 8 weeks old you may get lucky the females will quack loudly the drakes will sound like he has a sore throat. Too early for the infamous curled tail feather.
Boy they sure do, they are gorgeous

Well you might try the pick up one at a time and walk away from the group that way the one your taking away starts to quack for it's flock mates. Or wait a few more weeks and try then but if close to 8 weeks old you may get lucky the females will quack loudly the drakes will sound like he has a sore throat. Too early for the infamous curled tail feather.
They all call for their mates at this point. If and when I bring them to the big pool. That little pool is in the tractor run. Small enough to rinse and refill every evening at lock up time.
They honk! btw..
The one in the middle of the second pic seems to have the drake curl on his tail feathers? Maybe?
I'm one of the few not concerned about sex more hoping for all females. If anything, we would like to breed them. All males would not be a burden, only hamper my breeding plans.
Their coats couldn't be any whiter. I keep them in very fresh conditions.
Starting to get to the point where they call out for me. Which is nice to hear that. For awhile they were terrified of humans. I guess they are becoming settled in. They will soon have access to free range outside of the protection of the tractor house. I have 1 more rooster to rehome before that happens. It been a fun and interesting journey. Refreshing to hearing the honking sounds.. v.s. the repetition of goats/pigs/chickens sounds we have become accustom too. The larger they grow, the louder they get. We made a wise decision get out of Turkeys to purchase Duckys!
Loving every minute..

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