Due Process is number 5

We(the U.S.) entered a new age when we started invading other contries with our missle loaded remote control planes and started killing SUPSPECTED terrorists,and any poor unfortunate citizen near the *target zone*.Women? Who cares! Children? Who cares? Men? Probably terrorists!

Only the U.S. has the nerve to invade other countries and kill citizens.Countries complain,but does the U.S. care? Heck no! The one with the best weapons wins.

It is a new age.A shameful one where the United States of America has become a terrorist country.Wouldn't you consider us a terrorist country if you had to worry about being bombed everyday? I would.Will it happen in the U.S.? Unlikely.Easier to just kill a person and make it look like an accident or natural causes.With indenfinite detention law renewed people can legally be taken and held FOREVER.Where will this path we are on take us?
Rufus, you make a great point. People need to know their history. This is always how it starts. I get so sick of arrogant Americans who think, "This'll never happen in America, we're too powerful, and our gov't would never do this to us." Ya, tell that to the Russians, Romanians, Jews... Please add to the list if you know of any countries where the people trusted the same leaders who later ended up killing them. I'd also like to add: Did you know Hitler was elected by the people and for the people?
Yes, I fear we have made a dreadful mistake. People voted for the dream and the hope and are getting the nightmare and despair.
Comparing Obama to Hitler is rather pathetic. Turn off Rush Limbaugh and crack a history book. Mindless diatribe doesn't help the debate.

Hitler will remembered for genocide. Obama will be remembered for health care reform.
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Wow, just like an Obama lover to chime in with rudeness pretending they have common sense and knowledge of history while putting down others. "Pathetic", "mindless", hmmmm? I thought you guys were openminded humanitarians who wish good will onto others? What ever happened to choice? I guess choice in my thoughts is only allowed if it coincides with yours. This is communistic ideology at it's best. Well, obviously you haven't been cracking too many history books and don't know too much about Hitler other than the genocide part. Maybe instead of opening up whatever history book you are reading, you should talk to a German who was there. My family is German, and some of them were Nazi's. Yes, I said some of my family were Nazi's. Are you aware the Nazi Party was just that, a party -like Republican, Democrat, Green, Libertarian. They didn't know what was happening until it was too late. Do you honestly think it started with genocide. By the way, Hitler was the father of universal health care, and under the guise of fighting terrorism did what he did. Our muslims were their Jews. Our Sept 11th was their Reichstag. All Americans ever hear about is the genocide, but Hitler was a very charming leader who helped the Germans out of an economic depression, centralized healthcare, and zombiefied the German people. You need to do more research, because not seeing the similarites between Obama and Hitler is rather pathetic. And I must add I'm not only comparing Obama to Hitler. There are many more leaders I can compare him to -Mao, Stalin, Kim Jong, Chavez, Ivan the Terrible, Vladmir the Impaler, Castro, Ho Chi Minh, Saddam, Pol Pot. Yes, he is THAT bad.

P.S. "Mindless diatribe doesn't help the debate." No one was debating until you butted in, but if you like we can keep going.

P.S.S. I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh, because I think he's just as rude as you are.
That's what I was afraid of. As much as I'd like to bicker and name-call(Obama lover, really?) I don't see how it could be productive. I know about Hitler, but if you were to ask 100 people the first thing that came to mind when they thought of Hitler I don't think too many of them would bring up Volkswagen.
Comparing Obama to Hitler is rather pathetic. Turn off Rush Limbaugh and crack a history book. Mindless diatribe doesn't help the debate.

Hitler will remembered for genocide. Obama will be remembered for health care reform.

Time will tell.
I don't remember anyone writing anything on this thread to deserve you calling our beliefs "pathetic" and "mindless" -other than having a different opinion. Critisizing people indirectly by diminishing their ideas with abusive words, without directly name calling, is still character assassination. I'm just curious: Is it name calling that's not productive, but bashing someones ideas are productive? Which is okay for you? It kinda reminds me of how Obama blames the Republicans for the sequester, when it was his idea in the first place. If you'd like we can change the subject from history to psychology.

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