Due to Hatch Question


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 17, 2011
I am on lock down day #2 with 5 runner duck eggs. They are all moving around now, but I noticed one tonight is really dark on one end approx. 1/3 of the egg. I am hoping that this is not a bad thing. I think I still saw the egg moving though.
Any input would be greatly appreciated. All I can think about is this is really bad, or it's like a Monarch Butterfly that is ready to break out of it's chrysalis that turns really dark at first???
Thanks so much
I would say if they egg is still moving you are still good. If it stops moving for a long time (many hours) then potentially there is an issue - dont intervene until is is late in the hatch though otherwise things wont end well.
Is this not normal though, for a egg to be dark on one end. I read only one person say that dark was okay but only one. I have not heard it mentioned other wise in any other post.
I have never hatched eggs but my one duck Dusty has, the egg was dark BUT i also had a couple leftover eggs that never hatched that were too, i would assume those didn't make it..

Sorry not much help but if they are moving i'd let it be for sure. Past a certain dating you will know..
If it is moving your still good - dead ducks dont shake eggs

Remember they are pretty much taking up the full space in the egg now so it could end up darker. I have had ones darken and they hatch just fine. If it isnt moving that is another story.
I am so glad to read that a darkened egg at hatching time doesn't mean a dead egg. I have a momma sitting on 6 eggs and I noticed one was darkened yesterday. I picked it up and smelled it and it had no foul odor, so I put it back. I just went in to check on her, because we are about 12-24 hours from 28 days, and I picked up the dark egg and there was still no bad odor, but noticed that another of the eggs was getting a little dark as well. I didn't see any movement, but I just didn't spend that much time looking at them so as not to upset the Momma too much.
I am so glad to read that a darkened egg at hatching time doesn't mean a dead egg. I have a momma sitting on 6 eggs and I noticed one was darkened yesterday. I picked it up and smelled it and it had no foul odor, so I put it back. I just went in to check on her, because we are about 12-24 hours from 28 days, and I picked up the dark egg and there was still no bad odor, but noticed that another of the eggs was getting a little dark as well. I didn't see any movement, but I just didn't spend that much time looking at them so as not to upset the Momma too much.

They do darken.. it's kinda cool.. because all our eggs are being brooded by hens, i can't really look so it's hard to see movement but the darkening is quite obvious even from a distance.

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