duff orpingtons


5 Years
Sep 23, 2014
I saw a pic of what was labelled a buff orpington hen, however it looked vary much like a rooster to me. My buff orpingtons are full grown and they all look the same to me. They are 6 month's old. My question is can the hen and the rooster both have saddle feather?
Welcome to BYC!

All chickens have saddle feathers whether make or female. However, males will have pointy saddle feathers while females have rounded saddle feathers. This is what a buff orp pullet looks like

Feel free to PM me. I love buff orps and would love to help you.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Mountain Peeps X2 Post a pic here so we can have a look see. Does your bird have a very large comb, wattles, possibly crowing? At 6 months of age they should be laying soon as well.

I agree with above, look close if the saddle feathers look long thin with a tapered point it a male, wide and round female. It took me awhile to pick up on the differences and still would not say I am a pro. But at 6 mo it should be getting easier. If your still not sure post a few pics sure we can help you out. Glad you joined don't hesitate to ask questions there a bunch of helpful folk here.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. Definitely post some pics on our What Breed or Gender is This? section and let our experts there take a look at them. I've raised Buff Orpingtons for years and they are a wonderful breed; hardy, friendly and gentle, and good layers of large, brown eggs. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your Buff Orpingtons.
That looks like a pullet to me. (hen) Are the tail feathers long and curly at the ends? Or are they straight out and fairly short? If they are long and curly, you definitely have a cockerel (rooster). If the feathers are straight and short, then pullet for sure. :)

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