Dumb Question about exterior siding for the coop

Ok, we got the stairs and _most_ of the siding on this weekend. Ran out of siding at the end, we will need to pick up a little more to finish it off.

We plan to paint the siding "oak" (greenish brown, I guess) with white trim (trim is not up yet). What is on there right now is just the primer.



And by "we" I mean my husband. Somehow I ended up watching nearly a half dozen of the neighborhood 3 and 4 year olds while the mothers ran errands... After the first one, you may as well just call the rest of them over.
Ok, siding has been painted! Trim partially installed - still need trim around the top and some other places...

Insulation and clear roof installed and he is now out doing interior plywood!




If you go to Lowe's and ask for barn siding, they will know what you are talking about. It is about $16 for non-finished (have to paint right away) and $20 for finished (can paint later) for a 4' X 8' sheet. It has to be painted with a good outdoor oil based paint or it will fall apart quickly if it gets wet. So if you can't paint it for a month, you need to go with the finished board.
Your coop design is similar to ours. We haven't finished it yet. But I think we even have those windows. Are they 24 X 24 Pella windows from Lowe's? If so, I have a question for you - how the heck do you prop those things open? I found some little plastic thingies on ONE side that I can rest the one side of the window on, but then the window is cocked and looks goofy and not very securely open. I just wrote the company to ask them how to prop them open!

Your coop looks great, by the way. LOVE the clear roof. What did you make that out of?

Well, they are 24x24 and we got em from Lowes, so I'm pretty sure they are the same ones (seeing as we have the same problem). DH put wedges around the edges to bow the frame in so it squished the window and created more friction to keep it up. That worked on one. The other we just use a stick

Tuftex paneling. Also from Lowes. I am hoping we can get a green house effect in the winter. In the summer, the giant trees around the coop should keep it shaded.


Ours looks almost identical to yours, except for some reason unbeknownst to me, DH made it 8' in the back and 10' in the front. These better be some GIANT chickens to use all that space.

He already said to me "When you said you wanted chickens and I said sure, I was thinking 3 chickens. You just ordered a dozen?!?"

Gotta love that sort of miscommunication!

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