Dumb question - Washing the bloom...


10 Years
Jan 10, 2010
West Sound, Washington
As my girls are almost at POL, I've been reading up on washing/refridgeration/etc. We've decided to not wash our eggs but keep them cold (mostly because we're very short on counter space, but are OK on fridge space.)

In all the articles I've read, they end up saying "wash the bloom just before you use the egg."

Is that part necessary? Can't I just keep the bloom, crack the egg, and away we go? Or is there some contamination risk this way?
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I just collect them, refrigerate them, and when we need them I use them
That's what we did when we got our first lay last week. I rinsed once and forgot the next time. We came out okay!

And if you think that is a stupid question, just wait to see what I have in store!

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