Dumbest thing youve heard someone say about chickens or Farm animals ?

We had my sister and her husband [now ex husband] and we were sending them home with some of our fresh eggs. Her husband, who was actually in medical school btw, asked if the eggs were pasturiezed.
No, I'm only up to my neck in them. If they get past my eyes, I'll give you a few dozen more to take home.
These are funny!
I've talked with a TON of people who think that you need a rooster to get eggs from the hens. A ton! Even people who grew up with chickens, which really surprised me...but I think these people all had hens and roos, so they just assumed that's how it worked. They didn't get fussed about the mechanics of it.

Most of my friends have never seen a chicken before though, and the NICEST thing someone ever said was one of these. I took her to the chickens' run, picked up my favorite hen to show her, etc. She looked around curiously at all the different breeds (Lace Wyandotte, Brahma, Orpo, RIR, Barred Rocks) and finally said, kind in kind of a quiet and shocked voice, "...but...they're beautiful!"

Um, what? That's strange.

That's weird. I wonder where he was trying to go with that line of thought??

I always thought it was so I would quit raising my own and buy his.
That's weird. I wonder where he was trying to go with that line of thought??

I always thought it was so I would quit raising my own and buy his.

That's what first came to my mind too. Great way to drum up business, dude.
The guy in town who sells all mine tells everyone that because they are fertile they have less cholesterol....This is a guy who has kept chickens!!! Then his daughter (nearly 30 years old) who is one of those who won't eat them because they come from a butt (lol) tells me she thought they only laid and egg once a month!! This guy KEPT CHICKENS!!! I told her if they only laid once a month the dang things would be more than $2.00 a dozen.... sheesh...people....
HennyPennies2007, I love your avatar and sig. So funny. I have had chickens for 3 weeks and I am loving it! My grandfather, who had chickens, insisit I get a rooster or my hens won' t lay. My vegan friend says she won't eat eggs because they are "chicken abortions". If she only knew what they really were.
this is so funny.

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