Dumbest thing youve heard someone say about chickens or Farm animals ?

If you need to use uncooked eggs in a recipe, and you're concerned about food contaminents, I suppose there could be a market for pasteurized eggs.

I think I'll try to market galvanized eggs, guaranteed not to rust!
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No, I'm only up to my neck in them. If they get past my eyes, I'll give you a few dozen more to take home.

Some variation this would make a great T-Shirt!
Maybe by a far stretch of the imagination in another dimension (not earth) you can say a fertilized egg that is eaten and not incubated is a abortion. No it doesn't even work then. But an unfertilized egg is the same as a female person the egg just passes in a different way! I don't have an abortion once a month. This gets first prize in my book!
And she dosen't stop to think about all those poor plants she mindlessly kills everyday! ;)Omg lady, yea cramps hurt hurt us every month but for a hen to do this everyday,it must not be that bad. I wonder if she thinks if we released all the chickens into the wild they would stop laying? God...
The dumbest thing? "I've got to many chickens". For pete sakes build a bigger coop.
At my cousins bachelorette party, one of her "downtown" Chicago girlfriends asked..."Eggs come from chickens right?"
This question stemmed from a conversation of egg-beaters because my other cousin doesn't like to touch egg shells, therefore, uses egg-beaters....

By the way...ALL cousins by marriage!
At my cousins bachelorette party, one of her "downtown" Chicago girlfriends asked..."Eggs come from chickens right

Yeah, and turtles. Make sure you specify chicken eggs next time you go to Denny's after bar closing, honey.


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