Dumbest thing youve heard someone say about chickens or Farm animals ?

Whoa, you were just as ignorant as I was! We're both wiser now!

The most annoying thing people bother me with when they see my chickens is "Wow, how can you remember all those names? Can you really tell them all apart?"
And then they laugh incredulously as though I have some sort of super-power.
I get this all the time. It is true that I have over fifty different names to remember, but you probably have even more friends and relatives whose names you can remember with ease! And about telling them apart, they are mostly all different breeds, and I can recognize any of my chickens from 300 feet away. It's just ridiculous.

We have a lot in common! Nobody could tell the difference between Sleeve-Eater and Bluestar for such a long time! Now some people have figured out who's who.

One time I remember my mom saying, "someday when we have chickens, we'll be sure to get a rooster so we can get eggs."
People just don't get it.​
Of course her produce has GOT to be sub-standard: Bet she's never even considered using aged chicken manure as fertilizer--or any other natural, organic method.
A lady that buys my eggs said "So the rooster sits on the eggs to fertiles them right?" The look on her face was priceless when I told her what really happens. LOL... Really? Are people really this dumb!LOL
I haven't heard many dumb things where I live, but the only unusual one is:

"They eat eggs? Isn't that cannibalism?"

No, not unless the eggs are fertilized. But it's kinda like drinking milk for us, because before chickens hatched they ate egg yolk.
My aunt asked me "wich lays the egg the rooster or the chicken?" when I told her the hen lays the egg she said "oh and the rooster hatches it?"
We were at a chicken swap, and this is how I remember the dialogue going:
"So, what are those?" - a lady, pointing to our bantam chickens.
"Um, they're Mille Fleur d'Uccles. They're bantams." - my older sister.
"So... are they chickens?"
I was telling my friend's Mom that we were going to "process" some of our chickens soon, and I asked her if she wanted one. She said no because she couldn't eat something that once had a life. DUH!!! WHERE DO YOU THINK THE CHICKENS AT PUBLIX COME FROM?!?!?
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