Dumbest thing youve heard someone say about chickens or Farm animals ?

wait, arnt roosters chickens to?

Are you joking?!
Roosters are the ones that fertilize the eggs and protect the hens. Like stallions are horses as well.
ETA: you might've mean that's what someone said to you…

i know, a rooster is chicken too
"Brown eggs taste better than white eggs and are better for you." Gotta give her credit, though. This was several years ago and at the time, only white eggs were sold commercially.
Llamas and deer look NOTHING alike!
I don't see how someone could mix them up...
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Someone (a code enforcement officer who was trying to prove something) told me that he felt bad because my horses were standing outside with snow on their backs... How dare they... Good thing he didn't know that they preferred to stand outside in a blizzard too!
I was skying one of my friends and showed them one of my baby chicks and she said "IS THAT A BUNNY?!?"

At first i was like
then i was like.
It was funny though.
That reminds me of a little jingle that was on a commercial when I was a kid: "Brown eggs are local eggs, and local eggs are fresh!" ( I wish I knew who sponsored that--prob'ly a local egg board-- it might get the catchy tune outta my head)
I burst out laughing at this.. brilliant idea. Now tempted to bring silkie, showgirl or turken.....

My flock is mostly naked necked. A friend of nephew's came here with him once.. he had fun here (teenage city boy, never saw a chicken before) but when they got home he told his parents that I shave my chicken's necks.... LOL

I take my silkies into petsmart all the time! i like to let them look at the parrots they seem to love it! lol, and of course i ant help but mess with people
i turn theirface towards my body and people think its one of those awful little fuzzy dogs and when they go to pet it and are awful surprised at the beady lil eye starin back! lol

AWESOME!! I'm so doing that when my girls grow up.

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