Dumbest thing youve heard someone say about chickens or Farm animals ?

I know. My fiance's friends think it's funny to joke about killing/eating my chickens. Really? I tell them How bout I go to your house and joke about eating/cutting off your girlfriends dogs head? I might eat some of my chickens (meaties/mean roos), but show some freaking respect.

Some people do that to me too, I just go along with it. Make a joke about it instead of getting angry, makes life a lot easier

I do to a point. After hearing it constantly from the same few people the novelty kind of wears off and I just get plain irritated, lol. Some people just don't know when enough's enough though. And after a few beers they tend to get even worse.
Some people do that to me too, I just go along with it. Make a joke about it instead of getting angry, makes life a lot easier

I do to a point. After hearing it constantly from the same few people the novelty kind of wears off and I just get plain irritated, lol. Some people just don't know when enough's enough though. And after a few beers they tend to get even worse.

Its not only beer floating around a highschooler
It irks me when people think it is HILARIOUS to joke about eating our chickens. We just hatched some chicks, and I had at least 10 comments that went along the lines of "YUM! BBQ chicken nuggets! When can I come over?" This is from ADULTS, too. The majority would never kill and eat a chicken because it is below them, so why joke about it? This happens any time I share photos online. Weirdos.
It irks me when people think it is HILARIOUS to joke about eating our chickens. We just hatched some chicks, and I had at least 10 comments that went along the lines of "YUM! BBQ chicken nuggets! When can I come over?" This is from ADULTS, too. The majority would never kill and eat a chicken because it is below them, so why joke about it? This happens any time I share photos online. Weirdos.

ya, i mean seriously??!! you hear someone get a new dog and people ask them what breed. you get new chickens and people start putting words in your mouth. i've had my fair share of rumors that KFC is coming to our small town

what really bugs me is that you saying anything about chickens to a random stranger, they instanly think all you do with them is eat them
When I first got chickens, my mother told me that chicken x chicken = hen, chicken x turkey = roo and so then you see a hen running from a turkey
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Not for chickens but for ducks.

Pretty much everyone here thinks muscovy ducks is a mix of turkeys and ducks and they call em something like "turcks"!

Is it because they see something red in their head?

Oh I have also heard someone say that the incubator fastens the incubation period.You know that they will hatch faster than being under a broody.
I once heard someone say that the rooster was 'genetically engineered in a labratory to fertilize chickens'.
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