Dumbest Things People Have Said😂😱

Have you watched any farm documentaries? The chickens do not have what I would consider a happy and fulfilling life before they are killed. And there are many casualties, birds that are crushed by other birds, or whose legs stop working because they get too heavy. Not to mention they throw crates of chickens in, literally throw them. I’m not a fan.

You take somebody with an agenda with enough brainwashed fools to budget it you can travel around and find enough places that make planting a tree in your yard look bad and should be outlawed. Do your own research an visit a modern broiler house before you watch some BS film that was only made to make money. Every broiler house is not the same POS operation that was around and mistreating birds. By that logic since we all raise chickens we must operate the same exact way. I raise cattle so I guess I walk outside daily with a cattle prod (I don't even own one) and shock my heifers.
You hang around true farm operations you will find we take care of our animals because they are our livelihood. Poorly kept and mistreated animals bring bottom dollar at market. I also have hay fields and a tree farm. We don't go out and spray plant killer on that. Use common sense please.
I don't get that at all. Mine were a beautiful golden color, I absolutely loved them. They stood out like shiny pennies among my (please forgive me!) drab little camo EEs in the garden and yard. Unfortunately, they also made targets for the predators as well. I started out with 8 and ended up with 3. Only white hens proved to be more vulnerable. 😔
I think part of it is that some people call/act like 'Buff Orpington' is a separate breed than other Orpingtons

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