Dumbest Things People Have Said😂😱

What is the dumbest thing somebody has said to you regarding chickens?

My friend:
'I have no idea what my cockerel is doing. He keeps trying to get on the hens backs so I chase him away' 😂 🤷‍♂️

I've probably got other stories but I'm interested to hear your ones lol!:pop
Do you have any eggs that are not round?
My thought-eggs are NOT round-they're oval.
I agree. I'd always choose a leghorn over a silkie.
I prefer ornamental breeds. I keep 8 silkies and 3 polish. They are very cautious- they even run from pigeons, so I always get confused when people say silkies have 0-predator-awareness!
They are very friendly at the same time- which is all I want since I keep chickens as pets
I prefer ornamental breeds. I keep 8 silkies and 3 polish. They are very cautious- they even run from pigeons, so I always get confused when people say silkies have 0-predator-awareness!
They are very friendly at the same time- which is all I want since I keep chickens as pets
I also prefer ornamental birds. Whoever said Silkies have no predator awareness obviously met a very tame Silkie, or has never met a Silkie. Silkies are extremely skittish birds. They don’t have much protection once they’ve seen a predator though. My hens just cluck at the top of their lungs until they think the predator as left 😂

I like Polish because unlike Silkies they do have better protection against predators. From my experience with Polish they are very strong jumpers. A few weeks ago I watched my polish pullet walk along the top of her run (the run is 6’8’’, or 2.05m high) to get away from a hen that was picking on her (it was not bullying a made sure). She also likes to give me cuddles.

I think it mostly depends on the bird you get. Maybe I just got lucky with my birds.
I also prefer ornamental birds. Whoever said Silkies have no predator awareness obviously met a very tame Silkie, or has never met a Silkie. Silkies are extremely skittish birds. They don’t have much protection once they’ve seen a predator though. My hens just cluck at the top of their lungs until they think the predator as left 😂

I like Polish because unlike Silkies they do have better protection against predators. From my experience with Polish they are very strong jumpers. A few weeks ago I watched my polish pullet walk along the top of her run (the run is 6’8’’, or 2.05m high) to get away from a hen that was picking on her (it was not bullying a made sure). She also likes to give me cuddles.

I think it mostly depends on the bird you get. Maybe I just got lucky with my birds.
Pippin will shout really loudly (BUKAH BUKAH BUCKAH) even if my dog just walks past.
My dog is very friendly with all animals and has never attacked a chicken (she tries to play with them but ends uo getting pecked)

Ginger... However... Will follow anything. She has no fear
Cuddly hens tend to go broody all the time and stop laying if so. Plus most breeds stop laying when moulting and in winter.

What cuddly breed do you have that lays an egg every day for over a year?
He Jory, I didn’t look properly at the pic you replied with. But you’re right . The answer can only be 🐕 x 🐓 !

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