Dumbest Things People Have SaidšŸ˜‚šŸ˜±

Except that that rarely ever actually happens. Even in states that allow concealed carry, there often isnā€™t anybody carrying at the time or if there are, they donā€™t use it. Plus a lot, maybe most, mass shootings happen in gun free zones so what are you supposed to do then? Or what if they disarm you? Iā€™d rather take a self defense class and learn that way instead of relying on a gun. Especially considering it could get jammed or they could disarm you or be faster on the draw or any number of things that could go wrong. Also itā€™s serial btw.
That's true.
Learning self defense is very important but that's going to be tricky when someone has a gun. You'd have to disarm them, and you'd likely get shot before that happens.
If the gun gets jammed or you run out of ammunition you can still use the gun and whack someone with it.

Shootings may never happen in your area, but its always better to be prepared.

As for the shootings that happen in gun free zones, theres not much you can do unless you carry anyways. That's why its important to protect our rights. Self defense is one of many reasons.

If someone starting shooting innocent people wherever I would shoot them without hesitation. I may get shot from them in the process but I would do whatever it takes to take them out first. I would rather get shot or be disarmed in the process than stand by or run.
In areas where people keep guns for their own personal protection shootings are less common. They got shot.
End of story.
:highfive: Iā€™m the same way. Would rather not kill someone. Thereā€™s more important things than stuff. I can always get more things but I wouldnā€™t be able to live with myself if I killed someone. Even if they were attacking me or whatever.

Also the response time here is really fast. If it was way out in the country or something where it could take hours if at all then Iā€™d probably figure something out but even then that something wouldnā€™t involve killing them. MAYBE knocking them out somehow.

Also I will have a lot of dogs eventually and a good guard dog or two is an excellent deterrent so I probably wouldnā€™t even ever encounter that situation. My current dog is already quite protective let alone if I got another one. If it was a mugging on the street or something Iā€™d probably just let them havemy stuff or mace or pepper spray them. Thereā€™s a lot of non lethal means.
I respect that you wouldn't want to have to kill anyone. For me, personally, when it comes to peoples lives you have to make a quick decision and if that means killing someone that's trying to kill others and save innocent lives, then I'd do it.
Or if it was just me then it'd be better to not have them going around doing the same to others.

Usually by the time the police are called there would have already been many casualties.
That's true.
Learning self defense is very important but that's going to be tricky when someone has a gun. You'd have to disarm them, and you'd likely get shot before that happens.
If the gun gets jammed or you run out of ammunition you can still use the gun and whack someone with it.

Shootings may never happen in your area, but its always better to be prepared.

As for the shootings that happen in gun free zones, theres not much you can do unless you carry anyways. That's why its important to protect our rights. Self defense is one of many reasons.

If someone starting shooting innocent people wherever I would shoot them without hesitation. I may get shot from them in the process but I would do whatever it takes to take them out first. I would rather get shot or be disarmed in the process than stand by or run.
In areas where people keep guns for their own personal protection shootings are less common. They got shot.
End of story.
You can whack somebody with anything though. Donā€™t need a gun for that. And genuinely not trying to be a jerk or whatever but how would having a gun help in an area/building where guns arenā€™t allowed ? Iā€™m confused by what youā€™re saying.
I respect that you wouldn't want to have to kill anyone. For me, personally, when it comes to peoples lives you have to make a quick decision and if that means killing someone that's trying to kill others and save innocent lives, then I'd do it.
Or if it was just me then it'd be better to not have them going around doing the same to others.

Usually by the time the police are called there would have already been many casualties.
Yeah, I get that and I respect your decisions or opinions or whatever too, sorry if it seemed like I didnā€™t, but for me personally I couldnā€™t do it or even if I could I wouldnā€™t want to.
This one was from a former nurse-ā€œHow do your chickens lay eggs when you donā€™t have a rooster?ā€ šŸ˜ Yupā€¦..that was a head scratcher.šŸ¤”
Why canā€™t woman lay an egg every month? It would be very convenient to choose once a month if we want to hatch it (when it might be fertilised) or eat it. No need of anti-conception. Thereā€™s only a big con for it if the eggs need to be as big as a baby.
You can whack somebody with anything though. Donā€™t need a gun for that. And genuinely not trying to be a jerk or whatever but how would having a gun help in an area/building where guns arenā€™t allowed ? Iā€™m confused by what youā€™re saying.
Yeah but at least you'd have a gun to start with. I meant if it had gotten jammed or you ran out of ammunition, it would still be useful.
Also, getting hit with the butt of a gun could knock you out.
To me, the risk of something like that happening (like the gun getting jammed) is still worth having one and using it.

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