Dumbest Things People Have Said😂😱

Well hopefully they would hear the dogs and not even come close to the house or bother trying but if they did I guess I might be screwed then but I’d probably hide somewhere first before they got me. And hopefully I’d have enough dogs to where they couldn’t possibly shoot them all at once so at least one would get to them.
That's a good idea. Having so many one or two could get him.
This one is real:

Man (I won't add the name): I have 10 Rhode Island Red's and I have been feeding them laying mash. I can't figure out why they aren't laying any egg's yet, and they are a year old now!

Me when I went over there to look at them: That's because they are all rooster's, so you won't get any egg's out of them!
Reminds me of the guy who tried to milk a bull.
I know you’re probably more just talking in general but I wanted to clarify that I personally don’t think they’re a bad thing (for those who know how to use them) and I definitely don’t think they should be banned or anything but just that I personally wouldn’t use it but I totally get why you would in your case. I’m also taller and heavier though so maybe stand more of a chance but then again I’m also quite out of shape so maybe not. I’d probably just go hide somewhere with the dog or something and wait. He’s extremely friendly and loves everyone in normal situations but he also loves ME and is quite protective and smart and able to read situations and people so I am sure he would rip someone to shreds before he’d let them touch me. And he could tell if they were bad too.
I was replying in general. I didn't think you thought they should be banned, but kingB mentioned that earlier so I mentioned it. (He's from the UK so we can't be too hard on him 🤣)
I personally wouldn't put much stock in a dog to protect me. I forget where I read it, but unless the dog has been trained to attack, they are not going to be effective as protection against someone hostile, but will merely be a distraction/alarm system. Our family dog is our pet, but also to alert us when someone comes to the door. She would not be helpful in protection, though she does get concerned when my husband and I wrestle because I tend to screech in distress and she doesn't like it. 🤣
I was replying in general. I didn't think you thought they should be banned, but kingB mentioned that earlier so I mentioned it. (He's from the UK so we can't be too hard on him 🤣)
I personally wouldn't put much stock in a dog to protect me. I forget where I read it, but unless the dog has been trained to attack, they are not going to be effective as protection against someone hostile, but will merely be a distraction/alarm system. Our family dog is our pet, but also to alert us when someone comes to the door. She would not be helpful in protection, though she does get concerned when my husband and I wrestle because I tend to screech in distress and she doesn't like it. 🤣
Oh yeah I figured you meant in general or like king and the others who specifically mentioned banning and stuff but I just kinda used your post as opportunity to clarify if that makes sense hahah

And oh yeah I’ve actually read similar and also seen several news clips where they tested it (there’s a bunch in YouTube hahah) and most of the big bad scary dogs people were so sure would attack ran away 😂🤣

It usually does have to be trained cause most won’t know. BUT! Brewster I feel really would. He’s already very protective and he’s very bonded to me. He gets extremely concerned when I shriek or something too. So I’m sure he’d figure out that if I shrieked near a certain person that maybe they weren’t good. Idk if he’d bite or not though but he does a very intimidating natural bark and hold type thing. He’ll freeze, stare, raise all his fur, and just start growling and barking like mad. You’d have to be crazy to get close 😂🤣

In the videos, some of the dogs actually seemed to be more protective and less inclined to run away if the owner was there. I think that would be Brewster’s case. If I wasn’t there, I’m sure he’d show them where all the valuables are tail walking the whole way. :lau

But first he’d bark and intimidate and maybe scare them off but then be happy if they came in.

But if I was there and ESPECIALLY if I was scared or in danger, I think he would step up.

But that said, I have also considering getting actual, trained personal protection dogs too and/or maybe a property one. Plus I’d have livestock guardian dogs for the animals too. As well as a number of pet dogs so between the outside and inside dogs, someone would have to be insane 😂

But I would probably figure something else out too though just in case. Maybe a taser or a knife or mace or something. Pepper spray maybe.
I'm pretty much only into ice cream for the toppings. Extra awesome if there is a waffle cone or cookie or brownie underneath. Also, ice cream cookies!

But any way icecream talk is nicer! I guess my favorite is chocolate. I have to be in the mood for toppings though.
I'm always in the mood for toppings!

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