Dumbest Things People Have Said😂😱

Sometimes the link is for a virus, as well.
I think I know where the myth of no rooster no eggs comes from. This was a conversation with my son, who is 8, today:
Son: Did Chip start laying eggs yet?

Me: Yes. Why?

Son: I saw Fuzzy kissing(mating) her and now she’s laying eggs. Fuzzy helped her lay eggs.

Then he ran off to tell his brother that Chip is laying because her and Fuzzy kissed. I didn’t correct him because I was walking out the door. I think the myth came about because pullets squat for roosters when they’re close to laying. So if the rooster mates with a pullet and then she starts to lay, the human brain makes the connection. The rooster helped her lay eggs because they mated.

We all know this isn’t true but my husband was one of the people who believed it. Until we got chickens that is.

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