Dumbest Things People Have Said😂😱

I posted one of my chickens asking about gender, someone said that she was a rooster, so I asked why, since everyone else was saying girl and I was confused on what she thought.

"I don't know, I was just guessing."

Okay then! :barnie
Was it me? I kind of told some people the wrong answers :oops:
Anyone else think that 'they' are one person with multiple accounts?
Fluffy? I don't know, I can't picture her doing that.
Umm, no - not fluffy. The 'two' with a past history.
No the SusannasMom troll. ;)
Umm, no - not fluffy. The 'two' with a past history.
Yes I think they are.
Take a quick look through their latest activity and you'll notice that they will often tag each other.
They don't seem to ever be online at the same time either.

Unfortunately they haven't really done anything wrong exactly so there's no reason for the staff to ban them. :(
The chicken is mr butty two shoes…
Mr butty two shoes:whatcha eatin mom?
Me:sour candy…
Mr butty two shoes:
You are eating sour candiiii!!?
That dang candiiii tastes like snots!
Scientific fact(invented by mr butty two shoes):Eating too much candiiii can lead to growing beautiful 7 feet long nails that look grand in weddings…

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