Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

So sorry about my "vent"- lol get it? :lau but I am still very mad. So earlier today my sister was mad at me about something stupid and she walked over and without warning opened my coop door and let my dog- who is not trained- into the coop with my 2 month old chicks. He luckily didn't get any of them but it sure did scare the peewaddles out of them! I was so mad. And she continued to say "they are only chickens. You can just go buy and other one for like 3 bucks." I don't think I have ever been so mad at her.

Yeah, no, both extremely rude AND illegal of her. I'm so sorry.
Do the same thing with my kids. My middle son might be the only child to ever pitch a fit over not having enough tomatoes in his salad at 2-years old. And salmon is one of their favorite meats.

We used to take my elementary school daughter out to our favorite Italian restaurant and she would order the spaghetti with red sauce and a pile of calamari on top. Of course, she couldn't eat all that food, so we'd bring the leftovers home and she'd have them for lunch - for a couple of days. A little friend came over one day while she was eating said lunch and, when my daughter looked up with some calamari legs sticking out of her mouth, the other kid ran home, screaming. Big sissy.
My 19 month old LOVES salmon. She will eat a whole filet all to herself, with steamed broccoli

Yayyyyy! Excellent job raising her mom!! Good for you! Of course, it makes it very expensive to feed her later, but what the heck.
We used to take my elementary school daughter out to our favorite Italian restaurant and she would order the spaghetti with red sauce and a pile of calamari on top. Of course, she couldn't eat all that food, so we'd bring the leftovers home and she'd have them for lunch - for a couple of days. A little friend came over one day while she was eating said lunch and, when my daughter looked up with some calamari legs sticking out of her mouth, the other kid ran home, screaming.    Big sissy.

LOL that is hilarious!


Kinda feel bad for that kid though
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I know! that's exactly what I tried to tell her, but she wont listen. she thinks that because she has had more school and a few more years of "experience" gives her the right to do anything she wants. It drives me crazy. And the worst part is that my mom usually agrees with her.

So, being older means she can STEAL from you?? Interesting philosophy.
I bought a moldy bag of horse feed at TSC which I dumped on top of 2 good bags in feed can. TSC replaced all 3 bags, no questions.

I had a moldy bag of Dumor layer crumbles from them. After I returned it they took the chunks of hard green mold out, taped the bag up and put it on sale....
I tried to put a review about it on their website but they rejected it.

I remember when margarine first came out up in MN. Because of the dairy lobby it was illegal to sell colored margarine so you got these white sticks with a package of yellow food coloring included that you mixed to make it more appealing.

Originally was made with lard also.
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But, but, but... Science!!!

Pretty much everything that we thought we knew back in the 60s and 70s about nutrition has been proven wrong: the food pyramid, salt, cholesterol, fats, etc., etc.

Absolutely! Unfortunately, many people are now in the habit of believing that way and can't change. I even have friends in the medical field who worry about fat grams, salt, calories, cholesterol, gluten, and all the rest. They were sold just as big a nutritional "pig in a poke" as the rest of us were and bought into it lock, stock, and barrel. If they'd stay away from manufactured food and shop at the Farmer's Markets or local farm markets, they'd be better off. It's difficult to indulge in nasty processed food that way, and they would automatically improve their health by staying away from it. Whatever they get from the local farmers is going to be good as long as it remains in its natural state ... not counting cooking, of course. Just keep it simple.
Yayyyyy! Excellent job raising her mom!! Good for you! Of course, it makes it very expensive to feed her later, but what the heck.

Thank you! I always say I'd rather pay for good food now vs. trips to the doctor later!! Not that food can prevent all medical issues but I think it can certainly help

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