Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

I went for a mammogram yesterday and was talking to the doctor about chickens. He ask me if the rooster fertilizes the eggs after they are laid. It was all I could do not to let my mouth drop. Honestly I don't think I would feel comfortable if this man had to operate on me.
To be fair the reproductive anatomy of humans and chickens is very different.
My cousin is a nurse practitioner and one of the smartest, most intelligent people I know. She wants to get chickens, and has asked me if they need a rooster to lay. How could someone who has a Master's degree and years and years of continuing education and training not know this? Simple - she grew up in a large city. She has had no experience with chickens. I live on a farm and am fairly comfortable with my knowledge and experience with chickens. But give me a goat, I wouldn't know the first thing about what to do with it. I've been an EMT for 30 years, would you not trust me to treat you in an emergency because I don't know goats?
Exactly lol If you never grew up with it, you wouldn't know. Although, I never grew up with chickens either but I always LOVED animals as a kid and knew everything about everything :gig mostly focused on horses, dogs, cats, and exotic/wild animals though lol i always used to want a horse, still do, but have since grown up and realized they are way too expensive to have right now. Anyway, I joined here about 9 years ago, though I took a few hiatuses, and did TONS of research before getting my chickens. I FINALLY got them fall 2015 after wanting them for ohhhh 7 or 8 years :gig My mom had promised I could a few times but never did and finally she promised again and I just took the initiative and ordered them myself cause I knew she never would :lau But now everybody is glad we have them and loves them. Or at least they appreciate the eggs. I personally love my girls like pets and know each of their names. Finally. I used to get them mixed up, still do sometimes lol Anyway, to make it somewhat more back on topic. Practically every single person we told thought you had to have a rooster for the hens to lay eggs amd were sooo surprised that, no, you actually do not and they lay without one lol My little brother also was against chickens at first because he didn't want our house to be "a farm." :lau Little being relative, he's 21, I'm 23 lol We ended up putting the chickens in the backyard so you can't really see them pulling in. Still thinks the run is ugly though. It is a mess but not for long! New coop is nearly done and then I'll turn the old one into a vegetable garden! (How do you do that laugh smile thing?)
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I went for a mammogram yesterday and was talking to the doctor about chickens. He ask me if the rooster fertilizes the eggs after they are laid.  It was all I could do not to let my mouth drop. Honestly I don't think I would feel comfortable if this man had to operate on me.

Haha, I get that one a lot too. Also the thinking a rooster is needed for eggs.
At Easter my mom used my eggs to make deviled eggs and she mentioned to the other guests that I had eggs in an incubator which drew many questions. I had a video of chick movement at candling at day 10. One guy said "wow, so you should really eat them right away, otherwise it's already forming." He couldn't grasp that only fertilized eggs do that, and you must have them in perfect conditions to begin development, and the eggs we were eating were fertilized and older than 10 days. To his credit, he just kept nom nom nom on those eggs though!
I went for a mammogram yesterday and was talking to the doctor about chickens. He ask me if the rooster fertilizes the eggs after they are laid.  It was all I could do not to let my mouth drop. Honestly I don't think I would feel comfortable if this man had to operate on me.

He must be a graduate of one of those correspondence medical schools in the Caribbean. I assume he doesn't handle "fertility issues".
I get asked if they wander off all the time. People seriously underestimate how territorial chickens are.w

Mine think they own the entire street which is made up of 6 houses on 1 acre lots, each. Reminds me of what we used to call a progressive dinner, where you had a different course at each house. My girls go across the street and under my neighbor's evergreens to get whatever yummies are there, then move next door for their freshly scattered grass seed. Next, they cross back for the corn put out for the deer, then march, single file down the middle of the street to the neighbor on my other side, at the dead end, for dessert in their freshly tilled garden. You could almost hear them chanting, "Hut, two, three, four ... !"

Funniest thing I've ever seen.
Mine think they own the entire street which is made up of 6 houses on 1 acre lots, each. Reminds me of what we used to call a progressive dinner, where you had a different course at each house. My girls go across the street and under my neighbor's evergreens to get whatever yummies are there, then move next door for their freshly scattered grass seed. Next, they cross back for the corn put out for the deer, then march, single file down the middle of the street to the neighbor on my other side, at the dead end, for dessert in their freshly tilled garden. You could almost hear them chanting, "Hut, two, three, four ... !"

Funniest thing I've ever seen.
You must have very tolerant neighbors! My driveway is long enough they don't know there's a road there. Not that it would be a problem with neighbors - the nearest one is 1/2 mile away. Mine sometimes find their way up to the house (about the length of a city block or more from their coop), but mostly they hang around the coop area. Maybe because my horses are out there, too, and there are some goodies out in the pasture...
My cousin is a nurse practitioner and one of the smartest, most intelligent people I know. She wants to get chickens, and has asked me if they need a rooster to lay. How could someone who has a Master's degree and years and years of continuing education and training not know this? Simple - she grew up in a large city. She has had no experience with chickens. I live on a farm and am fairly comfortable with my knowledge and experience with chickens. But give me a goat, I wouldn't know the first thing about what to do with it. I've been an EMT for 30 years, would you not trust me to treat you in an emergency because I don't know goats?

Lol! I've always said something similar. Einstein is supposed to be the smartest of the smart. Could he milk a goat? Or a cow? Grow a field of corn? Plant/plow?
Probably not but I bet he'd figure it out
Like we've always joked about, some people are very book smart but no common sense or no street smarts or are kinda space shotty LOL

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