Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Man, that's about as bad as these ladies up in Michigan here that went tubing on the Muskegon River and got lost for the night because they thought the river went around in a big circle and would bring them back around to their car. That's not how it works honey!!!

O lord....what idiots
I wonder where he thinks strawberry flavored milk comes from...

Man, that's about as bad as these ladies up in Michigan here that went tubing on the Muskegon River and got lost for the night because they thought the river went around in a big circle and would bring them back around to their car.  That's not how it works honey!!!  

No..... You pump their tails to get chocolate milk. ;)

I can't breathe! That is too funny!
Man, that's about as bad as these ladies up in Michigan here that went tubing on the Muskegon River and got lost for the night because they thought the river went around in a big circle and would bring them back around to their car.  That's not how it works honey!!!  O

Yup. God did that on the 8th day, just for their convenience. :th
I live in the largest thoroughbred horse breeding town in the world! Our claim to fame. We run the risk of flying around in a corner to a horse standing in the middle of the road!

Thank you regarding my husband. He'll like that. He was in So America in the 80s and saw some horrendous stuff. He has severe PTSD and was unable to go out in public for the longest time. Thanks to chicken therapy, his anxiety has decreased tenfold!! We also live 3 miles from the Fort Dix/McQuire Megabase  and I work in the local pharmacy, so I see a lot of guys with issues from war. Right now is a big increase in Vietnam Vet issues with Agent Orange related illnesses.  Gratitude right back at you for your daddy!

I know this is somewhat off topic but I want to say thank you to all the service men and women for the sacrifice they made to serve their country. Also to all the men in blue for protecting each of us without regard for personal safety. Willie Brown[quote name="harley587" url="/t/949464/dumbest-things-people-have-said-about-your-chickens-eggs-meat-part-2-chicken-boogaloo/470#post_17121916
Yes! I would be suspicious and he's not my son! ! I walk a few steps to the mail box! It only takes 19 miles for me to get to the Super WalMart! I Suggest you tell a freind where you are, and instructons in case you don't come home! You know, like Gilligan's Island? But reverse what they did.
Just out of curiousity, what mode of transport does your son use to pick up the mail? Car, truck,snow mobile, horse, mule, boat, tractor? Really just wonderingl i may be moving more into the natural world myself.............I live in the city compared to your son! But I am sure you will have a blast visiting!- Pack light and take cell phone, knife, rifle, small tent, you know just a few survival items!
No..... You pump their tails to get chocolate milk.
Not chicken related, but in a similar vein, My husband and I are involved with the sport of speed bike racking. Not motorcycles but bicycles that sit close to the ground and look like the fuselage of a jet. Our rider/pilot was a very talented young engineer from England who designed bikes, built custom bicycle wheels and in his spare time, raced.

While at a competition, he told us a story of an incident that happened to him while working in a US bicycle shop. He answered the phone, sounding very very British and the caller asked him if the had any yellow bicycles in stock. Curious, our rider asked him why he wanted a yellow bike. The caller responded that every knew that yellow bikes were faster than other bike colors. Our friend said he replied, in a perfect southern 'hillbilly' accent which he duplicated, "Why Sure, we got them fast yeller bikes. How many you wanna order?" He said he couldn't help himself.w The whole conversation was so ridiculous.

I remember asking him if he wanted us to paint our speed bike 'yeller' so he could go faster.
Not chicken related, but in a similar vein, My husband and I are involved with the sport of speed bike racking. Not motorcycles but bicycles that sit close to the ground and look like the fuselage of a jet. Our rider/pilot was a very talented young engineer from England who designed bikes, built custom bicycle wheels and in his spare time, raced.

While at a competition, he told us a story of an incident that happened to him while working in a US bicycle shop. He answered the phone, sounding very very British and the caller asked him if the had any yellow bicycles in stock. Curious, our rider asked him why he wanted a yellow bike. The caller responded that every knew that yellow bikes were faster than other bike colors. Our friend said he replied, in a perfect southern 'hillbilly' accent which he duplicated, "Why Sure, we got them fast yeller bikes. How many you wanna order?" He said he couldn't help himself.w The whole conversation was so ridiculous.

I remember asking him if he wanted us to paint our speed bike 'yeller' so he could go faster.
Now that was the finesse of a true salesman. The customer is always right. That is why salesmen are never allowed to drink beverages while they are working on the sales floor. Prevents having to clean spewed coffee off the inventory.
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Yes! I would be suspicious and he's not my son! ! I walk a few steps to the mail box! It only takes 19 miles for me to get to the Super WalMart! I Suggest you tell a freind where you are, and instructons in case you don't come home! You know, like Gilligan's Island? But reverse what they did.
Just out of curiousity, what mode of transport does your son use to pick up the mail? Car, truck,snow mobile, horse, mule, boat, tractor? Really just wonderingl i may be moving more into the natural world myself.............I live in the city compared to your son! But I am sure you will have a blast visiting!- Pack light and take cell phone, knife, rifle, small tent, you know just a few survival items!

He just got wi-Fi put in, but his cell phone doesn't work out there. He uses a 4-wheel drive vehicle for mail. I'm thinking of suggesting a small plane or helicopter. Maybe a human sized drone. His 4 wheel drive truck is yeller, though, so it should werk jes' fahn.
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Now that was the finesse of a true salesman.  The customer is always right.  That is why salesmen are never allowed to drink beverages while they are working on the sales floor.  Prevents having to clean spewed coffee off the inventory.

Before the big names and Internet took over, there used to be a local book store that had a sign behind the cashier that said something along those lines, ending with: "abysmally stupid, even, but never wrong".

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