Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Now that was the finesse of a true salesman. The customer is always right. That is why salesmen are never allowed to drink beverages while they are working on the sales floor. Prevents having to clean spewed coffee off the inventory.
I remember I had a poster hanging on the wall in our lounge that was titled "You Know You Are A Nurse When:" and one of the lines was "when you have to leave a patient's room to keep from bursting out laughing in front of them."

Yep, happened to me more then once.
I remember I had a poster hanging on the wall in our lounge that was titled "You Know You Are A Nurse When:" and one of the lines was "when you have to leave a patient's room to keep from bursting out laughing in front of them."

Yep, happened to me more then once.
Is that why they always leave the room when I'm at an appointment? One of the most often heard lines from a nurse or doctor: "I'll be right back." I work in the medical field also. A poker face comes in very handy.
Lazy Gardener, a poker face is a prerequisite, IMHO. Especially when you are dealing with the public. That is SOP no matter what you are dealing with.

But seriously guys, are people really that uneducated? I won't say ignorant. Some of the things I've read though makes me thing that people are really sleeping their way through school and frankly, that is scary as all get out.
When I was in my preteen years I had a white leghorn hen that would ride on the handlebars of my bike. I'd ride around the yard with Henrietta hanging on for dear life and flapping her wings for balance. She never tried to fly off and I honestly think she liked the adventure.

Seeing what appears to be a healthy happy hen in a pet stroller looks like either a pet parade or a chicken owner that likes to march to the beat of their own drummer. Either way, my hat is off to them!

Now THAT is hilarious! Might need to try that with my hens lol

Hey, I've got one for you guys! One of my husband's co-workers who is a farmer (as many of them are) recently told him about a conversation he once had with a GROWN man from the city. They were looking at a brown cow when this guy turned and asked him in all seriousness, "That's where chocolate milk comes from, right?"

Hahahaha I've heard of this one before online but always funny

Man, that's about as bad as these ladies up in Michigan here that went tubing on the Muskegon River and got lost for the night because they thought the river went around in a big circle and would bring them back around to their car.  That's not how it works honey!!!  

HahahaH omg
maybe they thought it was a lazy river ride like at the amusement parks?

Not chicken related, but in a similar vein, My husband and I are involved with the sport of speed bike racking. Not motorcycles but bicycles that sit close to the ground and look like the fuselage of a jet. Our rider/pilot was a very talented young engineer from England who designed bikes, built custom bicycle wheels and in his spare time, raced. 

While at a competition, he told us a story of an incident that happened to him while working in a US bicycle shop. He answered the phone, sounding very very British and the caller asked him if the had any yellow bicycles in stock. Curious, our rider asked him why he wanted a yellow bike. The caller responded that every knew that yellow bikes were faster than other bike colors. Our friend said he replied, in a perfect southern 'hillbilly' accent which he duplicated, "Why Sure, we got them fast yeller bikes. How many you wanna order?" He said he couldn't help himself.w The whole conversation was so ridiculous. 

I remember asking him if he wanted us to paint our speed bike 'yeller' so he could go faster.

Absolutely perfect. Omg.
as a youngster I had a favored leghorn hen that rode on on my horse sitting in front of me
but we lived far enough out no one really ever saw me but family....
Years later living in Juneau with my Husband and step Daughter she and I flew
to Auburn Washington state my folks farm her never seeing farm animals before
was aghast at where bacon came from would not eat it for about 3 years after
I  remember I had a poster hanging on the wall in our lounge that was titled "You Know You Are A Nurse When:" and one of the lines was "when you have to leave a patient's room to keep from bursting out laughing in front of them."

Yep, happened to me more then once.

I could write a best seller about the answers I get when giving kids IQ tests. I don't always make it out the door - bless their hearts.
My almost-three-year-old likes Mommy's scrambled eggs, but he turns his nose up at Daddy's because they "have a bad heart in them" and they "drop in the water." :) Thought you guys might enjoy that one.
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Just saw this post on a local facebook page.

of chicken, duck, turkey, etc,..
My Macaw has laid eggs every year for the past 5-6 years. This year she has become extremely protective of her egg for the first time. If something does not hatch from under her, I am afraid that she will feel that she has not done her job correctly, as she does not understand that it is not fertile. I am afraid that if she does not bring an egg to fruition that she will suffer emotionally. I thought that if I can find a fertile egg that she is able to bring to fruition, that she will feel that she has done her job correctly. I have NEVER seen her act like this before and I am greatly concerned about her mental well being.
Please feel free to call me if you have any fertile eggs that she can foster. I am willing to pay if need be.

Some many potential issues with this scenario...
Baby parrots are like songbirds when they hatch, and are naked and nest bound, unlike chicks,poults, or ducklings. That poor parrot would be really confused if its chick got up and followed her!

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