Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

So a year ago I knew very little about chickens.  I grew up in Southern California the only thing I knew was that buying free range eggs in So Cal was ridiculously expensive.  When I moved to Montana I began learning a lot and was very excited to raise my own chickens.  When I learned about easter eggers and green eggs i was super excited.  One day at work I was talking to a guy that grew up in Montana and said he had family that raise chickens and was telling me all the reasons I shouldn't do it.  When I told him how excited I was to get chickens that would lay green eggs, he laughed at me and said well that doesn't take anything special its just what you feed them.  I said "What?"  He said ya its just what you feed them, all chickens lay all colors you can tell their diet by what they eat.  I said no, its linked to the breed of chicken.  He said "There are different breeds of chickens?"

Now, like I said I didn't know much a year ago and I don't expect people too know anything.  I am happy to share my limited knowledge, but...what drives me nuts is people making crazy statements as if they know and even trying to give themselves credibility by referencing experience that they don't really have.

Ugh this is what drives me crazy. Nothing wrong with a lack of knowledge. What makes someone dumb is when they pretend to know something they dont and argue it with people who actually do know or else refuse to learn because they would rather stay in the dark. Why!?! It just makes you sound stupid so why do so many people do it?
So a year ago I knew very little about chickens.  I grew up in Southern California the only thing I knew was that buying free range eggs in So Cal was ridiculously expensive.  When I moved to Montana I began learning a lot and was very excited to raise my own chickens.  When I learned about easter eggers and green eggs i was super excited.  One day at work I was talking to a guy that grew up in Montana and said he had family that raise chickens and was telling me all the reasons I shouldn't do it.  When I told him how excited I was to get chickens that would lay green eggs, he laughed at me and said well that doesn't take anything special its just what you feed them.  I said "What?"  He said ya its just what you feed them, all chickens lay all colors you can tell their diet by what they eat.  I said no, its linked to the breed of chicken.  He said "There are different breeds of chickens?"

Now, like I said I didn't know much a year ago and I don't expect people too know anything.  I am happy to share my limited knowledge, but...what drives me nuts is people making crazy statements as if they know and even trying to give themselves credibility by referencing experience that they don't really have.

My husband is from California and has moved here with me in Montana where I'm from. It's definitely been a learning experience for him adjusting to winter and rural life.
There is a difference in growing up around things and being knowledgable about them. Many of us were exposed to things as kids but we didn't specifically understand those things.

I could say "I grew up in the X-Ray business, I know what I am talking about".... but I have no realistic idea how a X-Ray machine works haha.
My chickens just started laying last week and yesterday when the family was all together I took an egg over for each of my grandparents. They were excited! My uncles mentioned that they'd take a carton when I had enough but my aunt made a face and said she didn't want any. I asked why and she told me she didn't want to crack an egg and a chick fall out.
Her youngest daughter is just as bad. "You have to get eggs from the store or you'll get sick" Don't get me started on where meat comes from!
Lol I have two SS Felicity, and Merida(from brave BC she survived a predator attack and was tailless for a month because of it) lol they are hatchery stock but I believe Merida to be a pretty good specimen. She's stunning and also a good layer. They're so sweet and calm they're awesome! They're just starting to lay more and more regularly and I'm thrilled.

My chickens also have me very well trained. For instance before my coffee this morning the dogs were taken out and the flock was fed and watered and let out and the rest of the morning chores were done. I then went inside and fed the dogs just to go back out and do some more chores. I also caught and moved the largest 10 cockerals from the juvenile coop to the adult coop. Took my juvenile salmon favorelles pullet from the adult coop and put her in with the chicks bc shes so submissive she waa getting picked on by the ten cockerals (she won't go outside hardly ever) all before going inside. Coffee consumed I went out and threw hard boiled eggs for the flock and made sure everyone was alright. Then I could finally eat.

you have a farmer's life, very dedicated. I make my 8 girls wait in the locked coop till 8am, after my two cups of tea HaHa. Of course I am in the Ciet with close neighbors and try to keep them quiet in the morning since we are all retired.
My girls will be 3y.o. This spring. They stopped laying after their fall molt and, after 2-3 eggless months, they've FINALLY started laying again .. On Christmas Eve. It's about durn time. Guess I'll be getting a new flock this spring.
My girls will be 3y.o. This spring. They stopped laying after their fall molt and, after 2-3 eggless months, they've FINALLY started laying again .. On Christmas Eve. It's about durn time. Guess I'll be getting a new flock this spring.
So a year ago I knew very little about chickens.  I grew up in Southern California the only thing I knew was that buying free range eggs in So Cal was ridiculously expensive.  When I moved to Montana I began learning a lot and was very excited to raise my own chickens.  When I learned about easter eggers and green eggs i was super excited.  One day at work I was talking to a guy that grew up in Montana and said he had family that raise chickens and was telling me all the reasons I shouldn't do it.  When I told him how excited I was to get chickens that would lay green eggs, he laughed at me and said well that doesn't take anything special its just what you feed them.  I said "What?"  He said ya its just what you feed them, all chickens lay all colors you can tell their diet by what they eat.  I said no, its linked to the breed of chicken.  He said "There are different breeds of chickens?"

Now, like I said I didn't know much a year ago and I don't expect people too know anything.  I am happy to share my limited knowledge, but...what drives me nuts is people making crazy statements as if they know and even trying to give themselves credibility by referencing experience that they don't really have.

Ya mean you didn't tell him Sure! There's white ones, and black ones, and brown ones too! :gig

My girls will be 3y.o. This spring. They stopped laying after their fall molt and, after 2-3 eggless months, they've FINALLY started laying again .. On Christmas Eve. It's about durn time. Guess I'll be getting a new flock this spring.

My girls had all quit too, and young ones that "should" have been laying by now, haven't. But...I found an egg in the run in the mud, and 2 in another coop, and one in that nest box today! (I think all 3 of those are from new layer, I just hadn't checked inside the coop for a few days) I think the warm-up in temps has sparked it, but hopefully they continue!
you have a farmer's life, very dedicated. I make my 8 girls wait in the locked coop till 8am, after my two cups of tea HaHa. Of course I am in the Ciet with close neighbors and try to keep them quiet in the morning since we are all retired.

Well we're not a complete farm at the moment we only have the dogs cats and chickens but someday....still I'm definitely of the belief that if you keep animals their needs should come first. That's just how I was raised. For instance our chickens free range every day weather permitting, which isn't always possible in a Wisconsin winter but they still have to be fed and watered and everything else. Especially when locked up because there isn't anything for them to forage in the coop. Also while our coop is a large former milkhouse half of it is being used by the cockerals we've grown out that we haven't had the time to process yet. Things have been almost nonstop since Thanksgiving. Now that Christmas is over we will again be processing birds as often as possible weather permitting and that will massively expand the space the flock has. Most people on BYC know but the rest of the general public don't realize a bored chicken is a naughty chicken. Egg eating, feather picking, beating on the other birds are all often caused by boredom and a lack of space. Thankfully we don't have this problem but it will be even better when we clear the other side of the boys.

Glad to see everyone back on this thread I love to hear the stories everyone posts. We have been having molting birds too and after selling most of the spring pullets we were lucky to get a couple eggs a day. The spring pullets seem to have began laying quite late this year but I don't mind terribly. I would rather them grow more and not become egg bound. I am proud to say that a few days ago we got 16 eggs in one day! That was a great feeling.

Will work on some stories later guys. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

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