Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Here's a little tip for taking SATs. Learn your latin roots. You'll be able to breezy through the vocabulary section.

I actually graduated in 2012 (which I used to my defense :p ), he was saying I should remember cause I learned it. Yeah i should but I never cook lol

Anyway, wish I had that tip when I took them! I actually did well though but my brothers both took Latin and read a lot so they kinda had an advantage lol
Yeah, a few days ago I was at TSC and saw that the poor Cornish Rocks were completely bone dry, out of water and there was a decomposing chick! Just broke my heart! So complained to the manager and it went like this.

Me: Excuse me, those poor Cornish Rocks are dying of thirst! And there is a dead chick.
Manager: Oh, uh, I just watered them (uh, really?)
Me: No, I don't think so.
Manager: Well what do you care, they are just birds! (In my book that's an insult)
Me: Well, aren't you going to get them water?
Manager: Go fly a kite.
Me: (Last resort time) Fine, I bet PETA would like to hear about this.
Manager: Fine....

Finally he got them water.
That manager does sound like a jerk. This year, at least at our store, the waterers were terrible. We were sent the twist on ones that have to be -ABSOLUTELY PERFECTLY LEVEL-, otherwise they completely drain out into the brooder. They also sent us empty cans to put the waterers on, so the chicks dont get shavings into them. Big surprise, they dont work too well. Part of my job for chick days was to clean out all of the brooders, and I can tell you, it was always a job. Part of the instructions we were sent had us clean out the brooders twice a day, replace waters twice a day, as well as the food containers. The manager should have most definitely handled this situation better, and taken care of the deceased chick immediately. Sounds like he didnt care too much, and wasnt intent on doing his job correctly.

...Had to make her poke one of the chicks I was buying before she'd believe me. Sometimes I feel that the employees should have some training of chicks/care if the stores are gonna sell chicks. Especially when people decide they know everything because they work there...
At least the TSC that I worked at was absolutely terrible with its training. First off, any training there is bad and nearly useless. Makes your eyes bleed. Second, the chick days training was both bare bones, but also alot for some people who barely know what a chicken is. Everyone is supposed to do it, but do they pay attention/understand the minor details stuffed into a less than an hour training video? Its been a number of months, but I believe it was only like 30-45 minutes long.
That manager does sound like a jerk. This year, at least at our store, the waterers were terrible. We were sent the twist on ones that have to be -ABSOLUTELY PERFECTLY LEVEL-, otherwise they completely drain out into the brooder. They also sent us empty cans to put the waterers on, so the chicks dont get shavings into them. Big surprise, they dont work too well. Part of my job for chick days was to clean out all of the brooders, and I can tell you, it was always a job. Part of the instructions we were sent had us clean out the brooders twice a day, replace waters twice a day, as well as the food containers. The manager should have most definitely handled this situation better, and taken care of the deceased chick immediately. Sounds like he didnt care too much, and wasnt intent on doing his job correctly. 

At least the TSC that I worked at was absolutely terrible with its training. First off, any training there is bad and nearly useless. Makes your eyes bleed. Second, the chick days training was both bare bones, but also alot for some people who barely know what a chicken is. Everyone is supposed to do it, but do they pay attention/understand the minor details stuffed into a less than an hour training video? Its been a number of months, but I believe it was only like 30-45 minutes long. 

At least you're changing the food,water and bedding. We bought clearance red rangers for 25 cents. Their brooder was so disgusting that they had burned off all the fluff on their undersides laying in nothing but poop. The ducks looked even worse.

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