Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Good heavens, where did you find him?? Does he have any older brothers or a single father? I might actually consider having a man in my life again, if I found one like that. For some reason, men were always attracted to my independence and strength: then, after we were married, tried for complete control. Knowing me, why they thought I'd go for that is beyond me. What they saw is exactly at they got. I think it was an ego thing: they wanted to be the man who "tamed" me. That man hasn't been born, yet and I don't have a problem living alone. I actually like it - especially when the alternative is being put in a cage.


I picked him up at Walmart, hahaha. We've been together 13 years, and after I've worked in the garden, cleaned the chickens coops and duck houses, sweaty, covered in dirt and etc, I still look pretty to him. He's a good man, and I willingly acknowledge my good fortune. :D
Yeah, it didn't last long. He actually attacked one of my friends because they were male and took me to the grocery store since HE had the car. 

Kids, do NOT get married at 20. Wait much longer so you learn to tell who's a jerk. Been divorced from him for 20 years now in a few months.

Been married to a wonderful man like that for 17 years now. Dated for almost 2 two. We'd have married a year earlier but with all the Navy stuff, we waited. I said I want chickens. He said fine. Just take care of them. He hauls feed sacks for me and helps build coops. I have chicks brooding in the bathroom. He plays with them in the morning before he takes his shower. His favorite from this last batch turned out to be a female, so he's happy about that. He loves friendly roosters, though. The bigger the better. He wants some BBS Jersey Giants right now. 

Lucky! My husband is partial to the ducks, also a silkie rooster I just got. He's roosting in the bathroom at night, and I 'm getting some silkie friends for him in a few days. He was an impulse acquisition, all alone with no flock. I thought YES GOOD IDEA he must have friends too, and I ordered them as soon as the owner said she would ship him to me. All this was met with "He's a cool looking bird!" Husband likes the eggs and the chicken duck antics, but all care is up to me, which is fine because it is My Thing, and I am happy doing it.
I picked him up at Walmart, hahaha. We've been together 13 years, and after I've worked in the garden, cleaned the chickens coops and duck houses, sweaty, covered in dirt and etc, I still look pretty to him. He's a good man, and I willingly acknowledge my good fortune. :D

I found mine in the Army. We were in the same unit and i was determined NOT to date any army guys. I ignored my friend trying to hook us up for a long while. For 17 years we've just grown together. Our interests when we got married didn't necessarily include where we are now, but neither of us would change a thing. Luckily he knew what he was getting into marrying an army chick. Lol No taming!

It breaks my heart when people have to go through this sort of thing. :(

Me too! I just shake my head. I understand folks who are prejudiced or who have different beliefs, I just move on and let them be. But I really can't wrap my head around turning your back on close family. It's their loss as far as I'm concerned, but it's hurtful to everyone.

It just makes me mad, you know? They need to be educated, but if I came out, they wouldn't respect me enough to listen to what I have to say. smh. 

Yup, it's sad. I'm sorry you have to go through that. Hugs to you. Know that you're accepted here. I most certainly don't judge you.
Thought this story belonged here... so around Easter all the farm stores have chicks, right? So this guy comes in and buys about a dozen, for the kids. Then he comes back in a couple days later, really mad, because... they all died! Every last one! And the lady at the counter said, Oh, I'm so sorry, what type of brooder did you have them in? And it turns out he put them in the backyard. With no heat source. I know you guys must be shocked they all died, right?
All of us there could not believe it. He wanted them to replace them, for free, but they said they would not do it until he bought a heat lamp. So he went stomping off. We were all stunned. I think they even tell people when they sell them chicks, that they need a heat source for at least a while.
Thought this story belonged here... so around Easter all the farm stores have chicks, right? So this guy comes in and buys about a dozen, for the kids. Then he comes back in a couple days later, really mad, because... they all died! Every last one! And the lady at the counter said, Oh, I'm so sorry, what type of brooder did you have them in? And it turns out he put them in the backyard. With no heat source. I know you guys must be shocked they all died, right? :(  :(  All of us there could not believe it. He wanted them to replace them, for free, but they said they would not do it until he bought a heat lamp. So he went stomping off. We were all stunned. I think they even tell people when they sell them chicks, that they need a heat source for at least a while. 

Those poor chicks!
Even with signs up at TSC I have overheard a lot of idiocy like this. The employees don't have chickens, so never think to tell people that they need that stuff. I went in looking for UNmedicated starter/grower and couldn't find it anywhere. An employee said they had some in back and to follow him. He led me to a bag of finisher. At least it WAS unmedicated!
Those poor chicks!
Even with signs up at TSC I have overheard a lot of idiocy like this. The employees don't have chickens, so never think to tell people that they need that stuff. I went in looking for UNmedicated starter/grower and couldn't find it anywhere. An employee said they had some in back and to follow him. He led me to a bag of finisher. At least it WAS unmedicated!
Yeah... apparently, from what the guy said, he HAD been told he needed a heat lamp or something but blew it off as them trying to sell him stuff he didn't need. So he knew, but thought that he knew better. He said he'd done it before!!! Now I guess if it's a nice warm spring that MIGHT work, but wow... just, wow...

On feed, yes, I've tried to get certain types of feed and they don't want to order them or something, or they want me to buy what is there, so they tell me I don't really need that etc. It's like you go in and want something they don't have and an employee (who clearly would not know this even if it were true) tells you, "they don't make that anymore".
Yeah, right...

When I think about it, a lot of this would be no problem at all if people would just say those three little words they find SO hard to say: "I don't know". LOL!

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