Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

It just makes me mad, you know? They need to be educated, but if I came out, they wouldn't respect me enough to listen to what I have to say. smh.

That's why I don't think a big announcement is the way to go. With everyone else around, people tend to not want to go against the prevailing group opinion. Just let things slip out occasionally. Then, as one person starts to figure it out and, hopefully, asks, you can address it with them alone. Or, you can take mom aside and speak calmly with her. Give her time to digest the information and maybe she'll help you decide the best way to address the issue with the rest of the family. Maybe some family members, like grandpa, would be better off not knowing.

Baby steps will probably work best in this situation.
Someone asked why I dyed the eggs I sell green. I said, "are you kidding? As busy as I am, where would I find the time to dye 30+ eggs green each week. They come out of the chickens green."

Of course, for some people I will play with them and say the girls ate too much grass or had too many veggies. :lau
Someone asked why I dyed the eggs I sell green. I said, "are you kidding? As busy as I am, where would I find the time to dye 30+ eggs green each week. They come out of the chickens green."

Of course, for some people I will play with them and say the girls ate too much grass or had too many veggies.

The eggs aren't ripe yet. You need to leave them out on the counter top for a few days to ripen up.
Someone asked why I dyed the eggs I sell green. I said, "are you kidding? As busy as I am, where would I find the time to dye 30+ eggs green each week. They come out of the chickens green."

Of course, for some people I will play with them and say the girls ate too much grass or had too many veggies. :lau

The eggs aren't ripe yet. You need to leave them out on the counter top for a few days to ripen up.

^this :lau
I am definitely going to use this
Thought this story belonged here... so around Easter all the farm stores have chicks, right? So this guy comes in and buys about a dozen, for the kids. Then he comes back in a couple days later, really mad, because... they all died! Every last one! And the lady at the counter said, Oh, I'm so sorry, what type of brooder did you have them in? And it turns out he put them in the backyard. With no heat source. I know you guys must be shocked they all died, right?
All of us there could not believe it. He wanted them to replace them, for free, but they said they would not do it until he bought a heat lamp. So he went stomping off. We were all stunned. I think they even tell people when they sell them chicks, that they need a heat source for at least a while.
One of the main reasons why I only sell chicks that are ready to be off heat. I do not have time to deal with idiots like that.
I got 8 chicks on Saturday because the Theisens near my grandma's house had some Black Australorp pullets and my sister's rooster is gorgeous (really want to breed him). Grandma didn't know about the box in the garage, and I was sworn to secrecy by my parents... So they were without a heat lamp for 3 hours, but in a warm sealed box (with air holes, obviously) in the garage (it was really warm) with water and food. They were fine when I got home and added them to my easter hatch brooder.
Then I counted my chickens... one, two, three, one hundred and five... oops! But they all get butchered or rehomed, and I take good care of them (and have 7 coops currently...). Although I always feel people judging me for that!
It just makes me mad, you know? They need to be educated, but if I came out, they wouldn't respect me enough to listen to what I have to say. smh. 

Baby steps, like @7 Biddies said. It sounds wise. You can build your own family out of friends that love and accept you. I have no patience for intolerance, and having a daughter who was friends with lots of kids that were anywhere on the spectrum of LGBTQ who had judgmental parents disowning them or throwing them out...I never knew what to say or do, except that my home is a safe place, there is love and acceptance here. People like those kids that came through my home, and like yourself, *I think* need as many affirmations of acceptance as they can get, and the accepting need to state so publicly. Not everyone is capable of enlightenment, but hey, you know, be YOU anyway, the best way you can be. ____ here is where I would put the little hug emoji only I don't know how to make one.
Thought this story belonged here... so around Easter all the farm stores have chicks, right? So this guy comes in and buys about a dozen, for the kids. Then he comes back in a couple days later, really mad, because... they all died! Every last one! And the lady at the counter said, Oh, I'm so sorry, what type of brooder did you have them in? And it turns out he put them in the backyard. With no heat source. I know you guys must be shocked they all died, right? :(  :(  All of us there could not believe it. He wanted them to replace them, for free, but they said they would not do it until he bought a heat lamp. So he went stomping off. We were all stunned. I think they even tell people when they sell them chicks, that they need a heat source for at least a while. 

Oh geez. That's so sad. :( I can't even begin....care and feeding of chicks sheets should be mandatory...
Those poor chicks!

Even with signs up at TSC I have overheard a lot of idiocy like this. The employees don't have chickens, so never think to tell people that they need that stuff. I went in looking for UNmedicated starter/grower and couldn't find it anywhere. An employee said they had some in back and to follow him. He led me to a bag of finisher. At least it WAS unmedicated!

Yeah... apparently, from what the guy said, he HAD been told he needed a heat lamp or something but blew it off as them trying to sell him stuff he didn't need. So he knew, but thought that he knew better. He said he'd done it before!!! Now I guess if it's a nice warm spring that MIGHT work, but wow... just, wow...

On feed, yes, I've tried to get certain types of feed and they don't want to order them or something, or they want me to buy what is there, so they tell me I don't really need that etc. It's like you go in and want something they don't have and an employee (who clearly would not know this even if it were true) tells you, "they don't make that anymore". :gig Yeah, right... 

When I think about it, a lot of this would be no problem at all if people would just say those three little words they find SO hard to say: "I don't know". LOL!

That guy is why many stores won't sell chicks the weeks leading up to Easter anymore.

What he did is flat out animal cruelty.

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