Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

So sorry about my "vent"- lol get it? :lau but I am still very mad. So earlier today my sister was mad at me about something stupid and she walked over and without warning opened my coop door and let my dog- who is not trained- into the coop with my 2 month old chicks. He luckily didn't get any of them but it sure did scare the peewaddles out of them! I was so mad. And she continued to say "they are only chickens. You can just go buy and other one for like 3 bucks." I don't think I have ever been so mad at her.
Ugh! They aren't just chickens! I lost one yesterday, and I cried my heart out! RIP Red
"vent", funny!
I hate when people don't think of our chickens as pets. I do and although I don't have them in the house like my dogs, they are still a living animal and to me a part of my family. I was devastated when I lost four earlier this year. I had my new chicks around my dogs since the were just a few days old. I think the chicks thought the one dog was their mom ( except he's a boy) and they used to try and burrow under him. Now at about 2 1/2 months they love to get on his back and will run along the fence when he walks by.
So sorry about your loss! I have luckily only had one die and when we brought him home as a baby chick he was sick. He passed away that night. :( but this is my first flock so I haven't had any diseases or predators... :fl knock on wood!!!
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So sorry about my "vent"- lol get it? :lau but I am still very mad. So earlier today my sister was mad at me about something stupid and she walked over and without warning opened my coop door and let my dog- who is not trained- into the coop with my 2 month old chicks. He luckily didn't get any of them but it sure did scare the peewaddles out of them! I was so mad. And she continued to say "they are only chickens. You can just go buy and other one for like 3 bucks." I don't think I have ever been so mad at her.

Wow that's so rude and disrespectful!

And dawn, even if they don't think of them as pets that's just disrespectful of life. What if he had gotten one? She would have thought it was acceptable for it to die a slow, painful death, terrified? And to let him in just cause she's mad? Gosh I'm making it sound like your sister has a million issues, golden egg haha

How old is she? If she is still young, like under 18, I guess it's a little more acceptable, but if she is an adult then she sounds very immature and needs to grow up.
So sorry about my "vent"- lol get it? :lau but I am still very mad. So earlier today my sister was mad at me about something stupid and she walked over and without warning opened my coop door and let my dog- who is not trained- into the coop with my 2 month old chicks. He luckily didn't get any of them but it sure did scare the peewaddles out of them! I was so mad. And she continued to say "they are only chickens. You can just go buy and other one for like 3 bucks." I don't think I have ever been so mad at her.

Oh man. I would be furious- my siblings and I are all grown- except for my youngest half-sister, but I could never imagine them acting that way!

If something did happen and one of your chickenswas injured or killed I would tally up a nice fat bill for her of every cent of water, food, shelter, electric, bedding, etc. of what went into that chicken. Ugh!!!!
I take care of my parents and my mom loves the eggs I give them. My dad, however, has made a point to make sure he never eats the eggs I give them. Everyone raves about how good they are, how dark the yolks are and how they taste so much better than store bought, but my dad is so stubborn and will not touch them. He complains about the chickens I have, even though they do not affect him, he just likes to complain to whomever will listen to him. He will go without his "cooked" breakfast if out of eggs, rather than just break down and eat my chicken's eggs. It's so ridiculous, but  I just let it go. It just makes me mad when he talks bad about my girls! 

People are sooooo funny about the things they choose to be picky and weird about.

Won't eat home grown delicious chicken eggs but probably has zero issues eating 90000 things he can't pronounce in his frozen dinner that gets nuked by a weird little bulb to cook it.

I could go on for years.
I get very light mayo on a sandwich, or usually none at all. I don't like mayo. Friend of mine uses so much it oozes out. I can't watch her eat it as it makes me gag.
I don't like mayo myself so I use Miricle whip it's lighter don't know if any healthier but I like it better that's all. And cholesterol hmmmmm were they talking about store bought eggs or farm eggs there is a big difference!! Had some store eggs the other day I actually got sick over them
So sorry about my "vent"- lol get it? :lau but I am still very mad. So earlier today my sister was mad at me about something stupid and she walked over and without warning opened my coop door and let my dog- who is not trained- into the coop with my 2 month old chicks. He luckily didn't get any of them but it sure did scare the peewaddles out of them! I was so mad. And she continued to say "they are only chickens. You can just go buy and other one for like 3 bucks." I don't think I have ever been so mad at her.
Tell your sister If she can find 2 month old chicks for 3 dollars then tell me where and if they cost more she should buy them and I'll give her 3 dollars each for them. Heck day old chicks cost that much! Two month olds would cost a bit more than that!! Especally pure breeds! I'll take every light brown Dutch game she can find!!

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