Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

My grandmother refuses to cook with bantam eggs because they're a "waste". You realize they're still eggs, right? With pretty much the same yolk size? I don't understand people...
My grandmother refuses to cook with bantam eggs because they're a "waste". You realize they're still eggs, right? With pretty much the same yolk size? I don't understand people...

My Mom likes the silkie eggs because she can trick Dad into eating less since he just counts yolks
Agreed. I just wonder if the babies are getting enough protein. Are they eating any of their feed?
The Babies are only outside for part of the day they go back in their Dog cage in the house at night so I'm sure they get plenty to eat. Also my husband has seen them fighting over worms they pull out of the grass. We live in VA which is bug heaven.
In south Georgia we called them removed Yankees... Out west they call them snow birds, but every bird I've met has had better sense... including the one that accidentally committed suicide on the side of the building.

Had the manager at the quarry the other day asking about my chickens, asked if I got brown or white eggs because he's raised both. I told him I get I get brown eggs, green eggs, and a blue egg. He told me to stop yanking his chain. I had to show him pictures online of EE eggs before he believed me. :barnie

The other day I let my neighbor hold Junior, who is the sweetest, most polite cockerel I have ever met. He'll just sit and perch on your arm for the longest time... likes to nuzzle in my hair too. The neighbor asks me "What sets him off?" "Sets him off?" says I completely confused. "Yeah, I don't want him to go crazy on me..." "Nothing sets that one off," I just smiled and shook my head.
Now come on chicken buddies. I was born and raised in NY I lived in a third floor apartment over a grocery store.LOL:frow:ya I didn't even know where they got all the animals at the zoo and if its green and grows on the ground it's grass. I love chickens and I would never say or do any of that rude stuff. Not all city folks are dolts. Some people just get the stupid gene. Just don't waste your precious eggs on idiots.
Well, this one certainly made me chuckle…


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