Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, natural selection is a wonderful thing. Thank you Charles Darwin. Maybe in time, all those who insist on eating the worst quality, unhealthiest food, will quietly fade from the planet, leaving behind a race of smarter humans.
I realize this is old, I'm catching up here! It's not just those with no brains that eat like that- me included. It's more often people that are uneducated and are poor. Not something that should be Darwined out. Many (most?) Cities disallow chicken keeping. While $4 /dozen of farm eggs is worth every penny, and not bringing in the big bucks for most, when every penny counts, it can be too much.
It is absolutely possible to cook economically and healthfully if you have the knowledge. Boxed meals are targeted towards poorer people and offer so little nutrition.
Sorry, I don't mean to be targeting you specifically, I just know that not everyone takes that into consideration. I once got into a discussion (not heated) with someone who insisted the dollar menu wasn't targeting the poor because after all salads are available. (At $4 each- estimating as it's been a bit since I've been there).

End rant.
Used to be...keeping chickens and selling eggs was a sign of poverty (my mom was mocked as an "egg seller" during the depression). Now we join the ranks of those who pay upwards of $25 for a single chick! :) Times change and tend to flip things on their heads (looked at the price of ripped jeans right off the rack lately? :cool:)
Oh, you KNOW they are. I just wish natural selection worked a little quicker. Wasting good backyard eggs, indeed. Sacrebleu! People must think they grow on trees!
Darn Right!! I've had 2 of my girls go broody on me and I just got them cured of that. I'm still really low on production right now, and today I found out that for breakfast, she's been cooking up a egg each for her dog Belle, a toy Aussie Shepherd, and one for Onyx, a black lab that we're watching for a friend for a week. He keeps eating that good and he's not going to want to go home with his momma when the time comes.
Buyer - "I'm looking for good egg layers."
Me - "I have Orpingtons. They are good layers. My hens mostly lay an egg each everyday."
Buyer - "Sorry, I was looking for hens who could lay two or more eggs each everyday. One isn't enough.
Me - "....."


I get around 5 quail eggs a day now from the new layers coming to the point of lay, and that is just barely enough for 4 scrambled egg sandwiches. Thinking on hatching more once I sell off some of the spare males when I finally decide on who to sell, it is just so hard!

It is more of a silly thing on me than anyone else, but when deciding on who's going to go:
"Maybe him- But his bib is a lot thicker than the other- But look at the red on that one's rump!- Oh, but the blue sheen on that one's chest! And the barring is more uniform on that one's back!"

I can't keep all the male quails as breeding stock! I need to downsize for the space for hatching new ones! :lau My dad tried choosing some for me but I was like "Noooo, not that one, [insert trait I see is good for breeding here] is better than on the other ones!"

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