Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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7 biddies I got that from criminal minds and csi they both showed almost the same style disposal method using swine to consume the bodies, that's where that woman's mother got the idea from I am sure is Television and movies
It's what my grandparents think.......they won't come our farm and if they do they make sure the blinds are down and the doors locked. Once a neighbor stopped by to see if we wanted some straw when they were over. They FREAKED and were telling me not to answer the door. Ummmm, me and my little bro are alone at the house for 16 hours a day, 4 days a week, nothing EVER happens. Everyone out here is either terrified of chickens or super nice. Guess what they watch 24/7 in their locked up house. Crime shows.
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wasn't it "Fried Green Tomatoes" movie... they had a big ole BBQ....
We've just started getting eggs. Oh the misinformation! We had 1 bloody egg out of 6. People keep telling me that it's because that egg was fertile and if I don't want bloody eggs I have to kill my rooster.
I recently sold a young breeding pair of Japanese Bantams to a couple with children in town, I got a call within 10 minutes of departing from delivering the pair. The mother was frantic and asked

"Why are they pooping on the carpet and not in the litter box?!?"

I need say no more
Some miss information even spread here some may think of them as pets but they are farm animals and farm animals and you poodle are not quite the same.... Please take no offence you may love them like a pet but they where not intended to be litter box trained like a cute little cat or dog.
7 biddies I got that from criminal minds and csi they both showed almost the same style disposal method using swine to consume the bodies, that's where that woman's mother got the idea from I am sure is Television and movies


I was thinking she got the idea from Truman Capote's book, made movie, In Cold Blood. I sent that story to a friend who is from Illinois and she said there have been 37 murders in the past month in Chicago's South Side. That's one reason (among many) why I left the city for the country.
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