Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Well this thread has entertained me pretty well. It's amazing what people say. Luckily the weirdest thing I've heard is someone asking if my hens pecked me when I gathered the eggs. I said only if they're broody.
When I got chickens, I was soo excited. I talked about how in 4 months I would have fresh eggs at my disposal. Then my friend said,"Duh, how are you going to get eggs without the boy chicken?" I had to explain the entire thing before she said,"Well, how was I supposed to know that? I still shake eggs looking for babies in them." I am assuming she meant the store bought ones. Seriously? Babies in store bought eggs? Also, my neighbor wanted chickens and the same thing happened. The law/zoning (whatever) said that you cannot have a rooster. Hens are fine, but there is a new neighbor hood.. It'll wake the neighbors. She said,"I wanted eggs, but the thingy said I couldn't have roosters, so what's the point of keeping hens if they aren't going to lay without the rooster?" Wow. That's all I can say.
Well this thread has entertained me pretty well. It's amazing what people say. Luckily the weirdest thing I've heard is someone asking if my hens pecked me when I gathered the eggs. I said only if they're broody.

I have two hens that try and rip my hands to shreds when I gather eggs under them. A few of mine ignore me. My favorites are the ones who stand up to let me get all the eggs.
The egg isnt a chick. Its the food and environment for the chick. If its good food for the chick then its really not much different than drinking milk. :)
I can understand the warm egg distaste. I can not stand the idea of drinking warm milk until it has been refrigerated yet I drank milk from our cows all the time I was growing up. Always drank it cold then too.
Speaking of cows, if the cows are ranging they love wild onions. Wild onions taste really bad in milk. It is drinkable but we always put chocolate in it to disguise the onions.
Also sausage is not intestines. The casing used for link sausages used to be intestine lining but isnt very often anymore. Its synthetic now. The contents are meat and fat and seasonings. We always buy ours from our local butcher who uses an old family recipe and none of the ingredients call for intestines.
I havent got my chicks yet so havent heard the dumb things yet. Well except the city manager who doesnt like chickens in the city limits because he said they attract dogs and then dogs and chickens get killed and he ends up having to deal with the fall out.
He is right in a way but if my chickens are restrained then any dog who kills them is going to die. Not a problem. In Idaho the law is always on the side of the livestock. Dogs should be fenced, restrained or in the house anyway.
It's tough finding sausage in natural casings. Real intestine adds that wonderful snap when you're eating them. Hot dogs in sheep casings are awesome.
It's tough finding sausage in natural casings. Real intestine adds that wonderful snap when you're eating them. Hot dogs in sheep casings are awesome.
I dont have much knowledge in this area but I do know that the modern casing sometimes feel like pieces of sticky plastic film. It is icky. I usually peel it off.
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