Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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I learned about the Salmonella thing from Alton Brown, in fact he is why I have chickens in the first place. I watched a 'Good Eats' episode about eggs and he explained how it was better for you to eat non store bought eggs (never went in to much into pasture raised), how you are more likely to get Salmonella from them and how badly the chickens at processing facilities are treated. If it wasn't for that episode I might never have started doing research or tasted my first pasture raised egg.

I don't think the last video posted was the correct one about how badly chickens are treated in the processing facilities. This one is mainly about cooking them.
I recently had someone ask me if I put food coloring in my chicken's water to make them lay the green eggs!! bahahaha

maybe they are moldy on the outside???? lol
I had 2 day old chicks in a brooders in my house And for: YOU KEEP THEM IN YOUR HOUSE! I was like well yes they are 2 day old chickens. Do you keep your 8 week old puppy inside? Or outside without heat in February? Didn't think so. Haha
My son 8 at the time got picked on by a little girl for having a pet hen and rooster. he got fed up and told the girl while eating an egg sandwich that the white on the fried egg was realy left over from a rooster. After teacher calmed the girl down i had to go get my son from school. it was hard getting on to him with a straight face. he said that was all he could think to tell her to get even...Still want tell me were he heard that just grins.
We have a friend who just brought us a dozen blue green eggs... and my autistic son asked me if the Easter Bunny was working overtime. Heehee Too cute!
I had my first experience selling at a farmer's market a few weeks ago. I brought some heritage roos and some cornish cross. Everyone kept asking me what was wrong with the cornish cross. "Why don't they have any feathers?" I kept telling them that they were meat birds and are bred to be easy to pluck. That really grossed them out cause they would all give me a grossed out look and just walk away. I kept thinking, "Are you serious!!? How disconnected from your food are you? Don't you realize that your food was at one point ALIVE!!?"

I even had one person ask me what color eggs they lay so I told them "brown" and they told me that they don't eat brown eggs and walked away. I mean seriously, this is a FARMER'S MARKET. I would expect these comments if I was trying to sell at a city park or something but not at a farmer's market in a small country town. Next time I am not going with live birds. I will bring cooked chicken as free samples and take orders for meat birds. I don't think people can eat anything that has a face anymore.

"One cries because one is sad. I cry because others are stupid and that makes me sad." Sheldon Cooper
I know my farmers market has some people who are far more 'businessy', but there are still tons of people there who know the basics about, you know, farming.

Ia gree, what in the heck's wrong with your farmer's market? Is it 'stupid people day'?
Funny, I ask people if they ever had fresh farm eggs before and warn them about peeling boiled very fresh eggs, the yolk color, shell color and the taste... the diffrence between my duck eggs and chicken eggs-

Then they know before even opening the eggs...

and they appreciate the info


Ya'll know -YOU- we not born chicken/egg experts either-

I still think there is a % of these questions that are -not- stupid that should get honest answers not stupid/sarcastic ones...

There is lots of misinformation perpetuated about our lovely chickens, like they need a rooster or they have to smell, or they lay in the AM, that fertile eggs are different (in nutrition) then infertile eggs or a chick can hatch at any time form any egg... these things are not true but genuinely accepted. Someone is not -stupid- for believing something they have been exposed to as truth over and over again.

You are right. I have learned so much just by reading this thread. Alot of these people that ask these dumb questions raised chickens though!
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